Analysis of Tight Ends Taken In Round 1 of the NFL Draft 2000-2009

Here it is, the final installment of the series: Tight Ends taken in Round 1 of the NFL Draft from 2000-2009.  So what do you think- did the Tight End fare well or poorly? 

If you need a hint, think about which position closely tracks their draft desirability- the interior offensive lineman.  Only the Guards and Centers were picked with less frequency.  And guess what… the lack of general interest means that a very good player awaits.


Year Player Pick Starts TDs Pro Bowls Wonder’s Grade
2000 Bubba Franks 14 98 32 3 3
  Anthony Becht 27 127 21   4
2001 Todd Heap  31 115 36 2 2
2002 Jeremy Shockey 14 105 30 4 3
  Daniel Graham 21 93 24   4
  Jerramy Stevens 28 37 22   5
2003 Dallas Clark 24 95 41 2 1
2004 Kellen Winslow 6 54 16 1 2
  B Watson 32 47 20   3
2005 Heath Miller 30 77 27 1 2
2006 Vernon Davis 6 56 22 2 1
  Marcedes Lewis 28 50 7   5
2007 Greg Olsen 31 26 15   3
2008 Dustin Keller 30 18 5   3
2009 B Pettigrew 20 11 2   3
23 1.0 2.9


Yes, they are picked in the bottom half of the round and still end up with a 2.9 and a Pro Bowl per player.  That 2.9 rating is the best of all positions selected.


Position PBowls Rating
TE 1.0 2.9
G/C 1.6 3.0
LB 0.9 3.2
CB 0.5 3.3
RB 0.9 3.4
OT 0.5 3.7
S 1.2 3.7
QB 0.5 3.8
DE 0.7 4.0
DT 0.6 4.1
WR 0.5 4.1

Considering that TE is a weapon in the passing game, it would seem obvious that this is where you certainly want to look to get value, especially in the bottom half of the first round.  The four TEs taken in the first half of the round were all terrific players.  Wonder’s comment on Winslow was especially noteworthy: “Would have been and should have been a 1, but can’t stay on the field.  Could have been a superstar of superstars.” 

The plethora of data that we have becomes more valuable.  We will compile the ratings versus the slot (picks 1-32 in each round) to see what the profile of draft pick returns look like.  How much more valuable is the first pick than the second pick in the draft?  From second to third? Where does the talent fall off most dramatically?  Can we build our own draft value chart for Round 1?  Stay tuned.. answers coming shortly. 



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