Pete on the Giants

Pete, a former  NFL scout and one of our experts here at UltimateNYG, shares his thoughts about the Giants.

The Good:

Pete loves Hakeem Nicks.  “He makes you feel he is going to be great.” “He is excellent.”

Ahmad Bradshaw: “If Bradshaw holds up physically and the offensive line can spring him,  the sky is the limit.”

Victor Cruz:  “Cruz was sensational.”  “It wasn’t that he scored three times, it was phenomenal on how he did it.”  Pete lauds Cruz’s ball skills.  “He has skills you cannot teach.”  Watching Cruz, he has all the ingredients to become a star in this league. He gets open, has strong hands, and is quick.   Because of his exceptional play against the Jets, Pete believes Cruz made the team.  This means either Sinorice Moss or Derek Hagan could be Ex-Giants.

 Barry Cofield: “He was stout and played a good game.”  The knock on Cofield is he is one dimensional.  “He is a run stopper and doesn’t provide pressure.” 

The Bad:

Left Tackle William Beatty  looked  like a “turnstile”.  Pete is more convinced than ever, Reese should have drafted guard Mike Iupati. “He is better than I thought.”  

Although JPP had a sack, Pete noticed the rookie defensive end spending most of his time in a pile. “This shows us he is raw.” ” He does not know how to shed a block.”  Indeed, Pete thought his speed rush was pretty and time will tell us about JPP.

Pete is down on Brandon Jacobs.  After getting three cracks to score from the one yard line, Jacobs barely got in the end zone. “His best days are behind him.”   He thinks Jacobs is ineffective and this must change or the Giants will become one-dimensional. 

Kevin Gilbride:  Gilbride fails to see the error of his ways.  Even with all the injuries on the Giants offensive line, Gilbride did not do anything to compensate.  Pete on Gilbride:   “The other teams know what is coming exactly like we do. ”  “You cannot win like that.” 

Fewell’s defense:  It is Pete’s truth, the Giants are playing a Tampa 2 defense. Although Fewell has put some wrinkles, it IS the Tampa 2 defense.  “It is what I hoped it would not be, however, the Giants run defense was “swiss cheese” against the run.  And Fewell’s off coverage scheme, leaves a bad taste in Pete’s mouth.

“I felt from the beginning that  watching the eyes of a good NFL quarterback and moving based on that is tantamount to suicide. Q.B’s like Rogers, Brady, Rivers,  Brees, and possible
even a Jason Campbell and a few of the young guns will just look one way and after the Giants have committed just pivot and throw to another guy over the middle,in the flat or crossing. You watch the eyes of a high school qb, maybe a college qb but at this level they will misdirect you to death. A good offensive coordinator will just murder you and pick you apart with this Tampa 2 scheme.”

“We leave this game with a very false sense of security.  A win over an arch rival, a new star who just blew my socks off.  But a defense that was dominated and a defensive scheme(s) that will make us one of the worst against the run and very vulnerable to giving up a lot of points. We have three more exhibitions and we do have better db’s. They are not however supermen and they cannot be expected to be primary tacklers. Without a vastly improved defensive and offensive line and not enough pressure on the opposing quarterback,  it could be a very long season.”

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