The Other Rally to Restore Sanity

The Rally to Restore Sanity

No, not the one that it is taking place today down in Washington D.C. The other rally, the rally to restore sanity that already took place in another NFC East city.

Location: Dallas, Texas
Date: Monday October 25, 2010
Time: Q2 8:53

Setup: Dez Bryant has just run a punt return back for a TD.
Score: DAL 20 NYG 7

Jacobs 5 yd run up the middle to NYG 25 (Jay Ratliff not in on this play, Giants linemen Snee and McKenzie are aided by both TE Boss and TE Pascoe on a nice chip to spring the run)
Jacobs 3 yd run up the middle to NYG 28 (Ratliff again not in on this play.)
Bradshaw pitchout 9 yd run to NYG 37 (had so much daylight off blocks by O’Hara, Seubert, Smith and Nicks)
PLAY ACTION to Smith complete for 32 yards to DAL 31(Tyree helmet catch without the helmet,       DeMarcus Ware picked up by Diehl and doubled by Jacobs, McKenzie solid single block on right edge to give Manning the necessary time for the downfield throw)
Manning incomplete to Manningham, penalty on Jenkins for Pass Interference, 6 yds to DAL 25
Jacobs 6 yd run to DAL 19
Bradshaw 11 yd reception to DAL 8 off of a WR pass in flat (checkdown preferred, as still congestion, but Bradshaw is able to dart around players IN SPACE and rack up an easy first down)
Nicks 8 yd TD (Bradie James with a LBer blitz is simply way too slow and way too late, he has the clean path, is not picked up, but takes an eternity to get to Manning.. the Giants are celebrating in the end zone by the time he gets to the QB)

Score: DAL 20 NYG 14.

Dallas gets the ball at the 20 yard line after a touchback (Tynes ball in end zone, bobbled, not returned)
GOFF SHOOTS THE GAP and stops the run for a 1 yd loss
Kitna under siege on an incomplete pass to left flat from blitzing Boley, Rocky Bernard and Osi.
Sack for a 7 yd loss to the DAL 19 (Too much pressure from Osi, Boley and Grant.  Grant was stacked in a NYJet Rex Ryan-like overloaded blitz)

Giants start drive at NYG 44 with 3:16 left in Q2
Quick out pass to Smith for 9 yds to DAL 47 (Newman is playing 9 yards off the line of scrimmage, these are good first down calls because you get a very productive first down at worst, and Smith is singled out there and can break it too.  We preach press coverage and this is why passive off-coverage does not work- you have to contest everything.  All the time.  After Smith makes the catch, Newman cannot quickly make any tackle because he has concern about a quick wrong tackle attempt being burned by Smith, so he goes for a more sure stretch out towards sideline to minimize the damage and let his teammates come over to help.)
Bradshaw up the middle for 3 yards to DAL 44.  (Guess who was not in on that down? Jay Ratliff.  Rookie DT Brent is not nearly as stout.)
Bradshaw run for 22 yds to DAL 22.  (’97 Power,’ Snee pulls … and this is one of my favorite moments, it is now the 2 minute warning, and Mike Tirico simply informs us that “the Giants are on their way to taking the lead.”)
Shotgun draw handoff Bradshaw run for 8 yds to DAL 14 (Manning audibles to the run off of the “soft box 2 deep coverage” but after initially finding no immediate hole, Bradshaw bounces out right and scampers through the space left by the pass-rushing DE)
Shotgun 12 yd TD pass to Smith (Blitz by Dallas, Eli Manning was tremendous)

Score: NYG 21 DAL 20.  The Gmen would go on to get another FG off a quick turnover by Witten on the third play of the ensuing drive.  Cofield stripped the ball on the tackle.  Auto challenged by the official. Then the Manningham nifty TD in Q3, followed by the Jacobs rumble TD drive to make it 38-20.

The rally that restored sanity after 3 turnovers and 1 punt return for a TD.  The rally of 31 unanswered points by the Giants.  The rally which restored fear in the Dallas Cowboys.  No politics here, just the 4th win in a row for the Gmen and the 3rd straight loss for the Boys.  Now that’s a march, NY Giants style.

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