Ghost of Sheridan?

Mistakes and sloppiness have been  recurring issues for the Gmen this season.  These issues will hold them back unless they are resolved quickly.

  Banks has his take on the performance of the team he dubbed the “ugly ducklings” on his weekly spot with Evan and Roberts on WFAN.  He points out that when you “go back 6 weeks…..7 weeks they have been hatching this egg for a while and yesterday it was an ugly duckling.”  Funny, but didn’t Banks state last week that they were at the “maturity level” where they have become a “self correcting team?” He discussed the mistakes as “all the things that were constantly showing up” in previous games yet “you fail to fix them in the right way.”  He specifically addressed the wide receivers and their inconsistencies.  About a month ago he spoke with Gilbride and asked that “these receivers have got to be driving you crazy?” Gilbride’s response, ”It’s a delicate balance because we want receivers who forget about bad plays and come back and make a good play but at some point they have to understand that every play is important.”  For example, Banks discussed the pick six intended for Nicks in the end zone. Prior to that play “Nicks is on fire and can do what he wants in that game.”  But on a timing route against a rookie cornerback he “freelances it” and “he breaks his route off.”  In Carl’s words the slant in the end zone by Nicks “is either caught, a pass interference is called or worst case it’s broken up.  One way or the other contact is going to happen.  Nine out of 10 times a call will be made by the refs and it will be for the benefit of the offense.”  Bottom line all those great plays don’t matter “cause you gave up 7 points and caused a 14 point swing.”  Just curious how “these things (are) constantly showing up” given what Banks states about how “Tom is such a stickler for detail?”  And he further adds that he is “sure he is emphasizing ‘the importance of detail’ in the best way that he can.”  Apparently he is not getting through to them but Banks feels this past game “should be a lesson for them.”

  On the defensive side of the ball Banks has some advice to the “Giants defensive linemen, Giants defensive backs, and giants linebackers: get ready to tackle ‘cause if you can’t get a team in 3rd and long on a consistent basis; you are not getting sacks anymore.”   He feels “the book is out – do not allow the Giants to kill our QB.”  To adjust he surmises that teams that “have space players they are going to get the ball to those guys in space and let them run with the ball.”  To Banks “those are their running plays.”  For the Giants to defend what they will see more of in “3 step drops you’ve got to get your hands up” at the line of scrimmage “to knock down the ball or your defensive backs have got to make tackles.”  Furthermore, Banks postulates that opposing coordinators are “going to look for opportunity plays” and are “going to exploit a few things that (they) see” on tape.  This past game Carl states “Garrett didn’t call a different play book.. he just called plays selectively.”

  Banks boiled down specifics on how they attacked one of the Giants’ safeties, Antrel Rolle.  In the 1st half Dallas “was all about exploiting the activeness of Antrel Rolle” and his “aggressiveness in attacking the box.”  He specifically mentions a play where Witten ran an intermediate crossing route while Miles Austin ran a deep post.  Rolle has “got to know he’s got to play deep to short” but bites on covering Witten and leaves Austin deep.  There were several other plays where Banks “feels he’s hot to make a play” and they take advantage of his over aggressiveness.  He adds “by the time the (Giants) got it adjusted they’re on to something else” such as “throwing the ball between the safeties and the linebackers.” The throw to Bennet over Boley comes to mind.  Banks feels what the Giants have “gotta’ do is a simple adjustment as everybody’s got to play deep to short.  Don’t give up a big play.”  The linebackers “have to drop another few yards and knock that ball down or make an interception.”  Makes you wonder the consequences of having the linebackers drop “another few yards” in defending against the run? Banks added more suggestions such as “trusting the play calls by your defensive coordinator” and “knowing your down and distance.”

  Finally, Banks believes on offense they “can do what (they) want to do but (they) can’t do it on a consistent basis.”  To their detriment “that’s what teams are counting on” as they are thinking “well you know what they’ll make a mistake somewhere” and we will take advantage of it.  The opponent knows the “receivers are not disciplined” and “they’ll give you an opportunity for an interception” at some point during the game.  Banks has harsh words for Eli as “that’s the book on him he gives you an opportunity for a pick every game.”  Although he backtracked a little and included the wide receivers with tipped balls.  Banks reflects back to the Seattle game as “you thought they exorcised those demons but they came back.”

Editorial note:

The lights first flickered and then went off in the new $1 billion dollar Meadowlands stadium.  Was that the ghost of Sheridan entering the building 2 weeks after Halloween?  Many signs of blown coverage and communication breakdown brings back memories of?  You guessed it the Bill Sheridan’s defense of 2009.

Where have we heard these comments above before from Banks and others after a defensive melt down by the secondary?  Here are some of Banks comments after the Saints marched all over the Giants in October of 2009:

“they were out-smarted at every turn, out-schemed and out-manned”

“dictating the pace of the game and the Giants were just trying to react to it.”

This is not to say that they are headed in the same direction as last season but the similarities from this past game are undeniable.  Desean Jackson and Vick are those “space players” who can run.  Fewell will have his work cut out against them as well as getting the “activeness” of his safeties under control.

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