Looking for Consistency

A lot was discussed yesterday in the local media about the impact of Tuck’s halftime speech.

  Although Banks agreed upon the positive impact but for “different purposes than the common fan.”  In the 1st half the Giants’ defense, primarily, “were in essence beating themselves.”  The success of Jaguars running game was the result of the Giants being undisciplined. Banks exclaimed, “Running out of gaps, too much guessing,” poor “gap control and gap discipline.”  Banks called it a “bunch of grab bag plays” referring to the chunk of 15-20 yard runs because the “Giants were giving (up) all these opportunities.”  The TD by Garrard at the end of the half was what probably blew Tuck’s fuse.  Again poor discipline when you “got guys who over-pursue” a “mobile but not fast quarterback.”  This led to what Banks feels Tuck must have summarized to his teammates at the half: “I am doing this crap wrong were all doing it wrong this teams not that good to where they are having the success they are having.” Part of their success in the 2nd half, Banks believes, was getting Garrard to throw the football.  According to Banks, Garrard is one of the most inaccurate downfield passers in the league.-as “he can’t hit the broadside of a barn past 20 yards.”  His high completion percentage is from dump and dink passes.    There is truth to Banks’ opinion about Garrard’s accuracy.  As the average gain per Jaguars’ passing play was a scant 3.1 yards.  Once the Giants in the 2nd half started to stop the run; consequently, they got “him in those down the field passing situations.”  You saw the “end results” with Terrell Thomas’ (TT) interception and near interceptions by Tuck and TT again.


  Another interesting take on the defense was how Fewellmanaged Jones-Drew.  At some point late in the game Banks was waiting for the Jags to send Jones-Drew out in the flat or in space to offset the Giants’ blitzes.  Never happened.  Fewell related to Banks after the game that “they brought enough players on the blitz that they couldn’t release Jones-Drew.”

  To Banks the “most impressive aspect of the offenses performance” was the fact that you had “all the moving parts on the offensive line and new wide receivers and you did not have 1 delay of game penalty, 1 illegal motion penalty and 1 offside penalty.”  Going into the game we all know how the Giants were severely “short handed” and it is more imperative for “you (to) grind things out by being better and more disciplined in the things you do.”  We have all witnessed the compilation of mistakes over the course of the season but “when you start to repeat mistakes your lack of talent in certain positions show up” more glaringly.  Bottom line “this was as clean as an offensive operation as you will see from any team” and the “key to it was their OL.”  Banks adds that “they were all in sync, there were no mistakes” and “no self inflicted wounds.”  It was a big bonus with Beatty and Boothe performing well.  Carl credits Coughlin as you “got a coach who’s giving them the right message and the team is obviously listening to him.”

  Finally,  let us address the Clint Sintim’s improved performance on the Special Teams unit. During a pre-game interview between Bob Papa and Tom Coughlin,  Banks heard the coach state that “there comes a time in the season where the 53rd man (on a 53 man roster) has to make a play for us.” We have heard Banks criticize Sintim for a few weeks but he “gives credit to Sintim for making some big open field tackles.”

Editorial note: 

  Okay, each week feels like a roller coaster ride.  After week 3, they lose to Indy and the Titans and questions emerge about Coughlin.  Then they rip off 4 in a row including a comeback win at Dallas.  After Seattle many felt the Giants could be the class of the NFC and then they laid 2 eggs.  Can anyone state with any certainty who this team is?  Mike Freeman of CBS Sports would like to know:

 “These Giants are confusing, if not maddening, and at times are far from hunters — they’re the hunted. Count them out, they win. Count them in, they flinch. Coach Tom Coughlin is a genius. No, he’s not. Yes, he is. No, yes, no. The Giants are lucky, the Giants are great. The Giants are stout, then they’re routed.

Figure them out and win a prize.

  Yet here we are according to Banks they are finally getting it as you “got coach who’s giving them the right message and the team is obviously listening to him.”  It’s not like the 1st half was stellar for the offense to with some key penalties on Boss and fortunately a fumble that was over-turned on Hagan. Are they just slow learners as it takes them over 1 1/2 seasons to figure out?  Or is it that we are finally seeing leaders emerging in the locker room with both Osi and Tuck making their voice heard?

 This team will not go far unless we see consistency.  We all see the talent.  The consistency must come from eliminating mental mistakes and turnovers.  And it doesn’t mean for one half or one game.  Although, per Banks, “fixing the turnover issue is the easy part” the mental side is another.

Do you believe now, or see a sign, with Tuck and Osi now coming to the forefront as the leaders of this team?

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