The Combine Brings the First Look at the Draft- Part II

Yesterday we talked about some big name players eyed very high in the 2011 Draft.  Today we continue with more names and more of our first look.

The offensive tackles were a focal point for me as the Giants need help here. There are no great ones but there are some good ones. People like Costanzo from BC. This may be the factor for Blue if he is there at 19. There are a few others like Nate Solder of Colorado who is 6’8 and 290 pds. Now that is light for an OT but he has excellent mobility which is key at left tackle. There is NO “lock” at OT either but maybe 5 prospect’s who could become very good. There is Sherrod from Miss State who is probably a late first or as low as a third. Maukice’s brother gwt’s more hype because he is Maukice’s brother but he isn’t c;ose to as good.

As I stated, the receivers Green and Jones could be very good and there is Baldwin out of Pitt who has a world of talent but is immature and a concern in the head. There is a running back out of Illinois named Mikel Lesheure that a lot of people like. He is in the 6’2 230 mold and he is tough with a burst. I have to study him some more. There is a defensive tackle named liugent also out of Illinois who is rising, but again, there is more work to be done. One thing about Lesheure.. he is an in-your-face tough runner who NEVER missed a game. With the Giants history that is a big deal.

I would be lax if I didn’t note that the nose out of Oregon did 49 reps with the weights which is off the charts crazy. It is the new record. He was slightly injured when he did it.  Most were lukewarm on him. He did 49 reps in the weight room.  This man is “only” 305 lbs but I doubt that many will be able to move him and he will surely stuff the middle.  The Giants don’t need a nose but he is certainly interesting.

Oregon was/is an interesting team. They were rated #1 right up until Auburn pulled off the upset.  You don’t play the kind of defense Oregon played in a high scoring conference without some pretty good players.  Clay Mathews “little” brother played on that team and is not projected to go before round 3. He was outstanding in that big game and by bloodline alone should have the Giants interest.

There is a kid out of Nevada that Paul brought to my attention. He is a de- linebacker who is stout but ran a 4.4, which is also a record.

Speaking of Nevada, they had a quarterback who hands down had the strongest most accurate arm at the combine. His name has floated around and he has the “small school rap to deal with but he has the goods. His name is Kapurick and someone will take the shot in the second or third round.

Von Miller is this year’s Clay Matthews and comes with a can’t miss tag. The LB contingent is weak after that with no natural mlb. There are some quality defensive ends and we will address that next time.

Free agency is a possibility to pick up some help as this draft won’t do much.

There are so many questions about whether we will even have a season that it is hard to get pumped to do this analysis. We will do it, Wonder and I are on it, with the ubiquitous Andy right in the middle.  The DL from Bama is a top 5 pick and Dareus might be the best bet to contribute right away and well in the whole cesspool of talent.


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