2011 Draft- Wonder: DEFENSIVE TACKLE

Wonder’s 2011 Defensive Tackles.

We have general advice for those who like drafting Defensive Tackles high.  Don’t do it unless you are getting great value.  So many things can go wrong for these guys, and only a few things can go right. 

But do not confuse the message either on DT.  Suh was STILL the highest player on Wonder’s ENTIRE board last year, and the Lions certainly got rewarded for that pick.  Yes, DT can work out early, but the risk reward is decidedly negative.  Make sure you’ve done your HW when picking these guys high.

One guy we really like is the Illini guy- Corey Liuget.  And we circled with Marvelous, who knows the Big Ten and the Illini like the back of his hand to see what his independent thinking was on Liuget.  “Wildly bullish!” said Marvelous.  “He is a monster.  Always in the right place.  Doesn’t tire.  He has improved dramatically.  Both Liuget and (another Illini, LB) Martez Wilson will be tremendous pros.  No trouble (off the field) with either of them too.  For my money, as much as I like Wilson, I like Liuget even more.”

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