The blind leading the blind

This blog has chronicled the underachievement of 2008, which we believe could have easily cost the Giants a Super Bowl title.  We chronicled the implosion of 2009, where TC the steward watched as his defense was worse than anything since the mid 1960s.  We chronicled the underachievement of 2010, where a mixture of ‘built to fail’ defensive schemes, Gilbride’s continued follies and utterly disgusting special teams hampered the success of the team.

The Giants entered Week 17 of 2010 vs the Skins with the need to win the game to have a chance to get into the playoffs.  And they played like sh*t.  But because they won, because they were 10-6, everything was okay with Coughlin.  BULLSH*T.  Grossman ripped the Giants defense apart in that game, just like he did two days ago.  He threw for 300+ yards on that day too, but no one seemed to mind about that except us, the nattering nabobs of negativity.  No one cared that the Giants looked like sh*t against the Eagles in their epic implosion.  No one cared that Aaron Rodgers put the Giants on a spit and roasted our team alive.  No one cared that the Giants needed 4 turnovers of lipstick to put on that January Washington pig.  Except this NY Giants blog.  We were 10-6, how is there a problem with a team that gets 10 wins?  Why does this blog “always” seem to complain?

All of a sudden, Mike Francesa yesterday has his ‘come to Jesus’ moment and wakes up from his slumber and finally says AHA! Eureka!  The emperor Coughlin wears no clothes!  Rex Grossman has ripped the Giants apart for 300 yards!  The irony could not be any more palpable. 

Teflon08 Teflon09 Teflon10.  Garbage Week1 2011! 

Francesa said he was a past “supporter” of Coughlin but if the ship wasn’t straightened out quickly, that those last 9 games were going to be brutal.  (Where have you heard that one before? ..his analysis of the game was nearly identical to ours, save a compliment for Boley which we did not include.)  Now all of a sudden Francesa is complaining about Coughlin on the sidelines complaining.  You see what you want to see.  If enough people tell you how wonderful the emperors new clothes are, you believe them.  

So where are we now?  We are at Week 1 and Francesa has now put Coughlin’s job on notice.  He literally stated in his broadcast that Coughlin’s job status is in jeopardy this season.  After the Giants have spent three years wandering in the desert of underachievement, the oracle of NY sports consensus has finally awoken. 

We took the high road yesterday.  We said, hey, it is week 1, you cannot read too much into all of this, everyone s’d in Week 1 of the post-lockout season, fix it.  If Coughlin can fix it and have this team achieve by winning well and losing competitively, we do not have a problem.  Now it is everyone else who is on death watch.  Meanwhile, we waste YEARS.  We will wait until the New England game in Week 9 to begin judging Coughlin this season.  There are too many games against opponents that are too weak to accurately assess what this team has until Week 9. 

People in other Giants jurisdictions call our site ‘the haters.’  We just love to hate the Giants.  They claim that you are not a fan unless you support your team under all circumstances, a zeal called “blind optimism.”  I have a different name for it.  I call it blind.             

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