When the Rest of the NFC East Was Pathetic

Yesterday Paul Burke linked to a Philadelphia Inquirer article which blasted the Eagles.  The article put some perspective around the Eagles (AND THE GIANTS) season:

This was the worst coaching job of Reid’s tenure, by miles.  Not only did this self-promoting team underachieve spectacularly, it did so in a year when the rest of the NFC East was pathetic.

A year in which the rest of the NFC East was pathetic.

Let’s say it again for emphasis.  THE NFC EAST WAS PATHETIC.

Why is this important?  Why is this vital for our understanding?  It is our contention that things will have to get worse before they get better.  Competition makes you change.  It forces you to adapt. If you do not get better, you fall behind.  Right now, Giants management is in love with Tom Coughlin and barring an ugly loss to the Cowboys, he is coming back.


And more Tom Coughlin means no change.  I am holding out hope that Coughlin will show Perry Fewell the door, but I wouldn’t bet on that, and not even with YOUR money.

Right now, the Giants have a division to win.  It is within their grasp, and because the entire NFL is vulnerable, even I won’t completely rule out a chance at a title this year.  But the odds are long, very long, when your coordinator is Perry Fewell.  James Allen, who’s been commenting since ~2008, was at the game and noted the following:

“…for all the pressure the Giants put on Sanchez, there were plenty of open receivers down the field as a result of a zone that is so soft it’s stunning (and you can only really see how much from being at the game).”

The optimism is already creeping back in after a win vs a pathetic opponent this past weekend, but at least James Allen was able to remind us that Fewell is still Fewell.  And Coughlin is still Coughlin.  We have said it here more than a few times before- Coughlin is as good and as bad as the coordinators he has under him. 

In a year where the NFC East was horrible, the Giants get to be 2-3 vs their powerful division foes with one last game at home.  Vs the same anemic division.  This weak division is doing NO FAVORS for our aspirations for a championship title.  All this division is doing is camouflaging weakness.  How ironic that once again we have a situation where two weak teams, Dallas and NY, get to play one another and SOMEONE has to win.

In 2012, the Giants and the NFC East face the AFC North (BAL, PIT, CIN, CLE) and the NFC South (NO, ATL, CAR, TB).  Think we can split against those two divisions?  Think we can split vs the NFC East? 

And here is something else to think about-  If the Giants win vs Dallas, that means they’ll play vs SF and GB next season.  Be careful what you wish for, Giants fans, you just might get it.  Because everyone including me will be rooting for the Giants to win so that they can get that lottery ticket to the tournament.  How many of you think we’ll be able to survive a 4 game sweepstakes?  We’ll need the Fewell leopard to change his zone spots and mothball that base defense.  Not happening.  We’ll need Gilbride’s strobe light to flash for more than one game in a row.  Not happening.  What is more realistic is that a win vs Dallas will merely perpetuate a mirage. 

This NY Giants blog wants a NY Giants championship as soon as possible.  Realistically speaking, even though the first playoff appearance in 3 years is a nice accomplishment, we are objective enough to realize that (a win and) at 9-7 does not make this team credible.  Appearing on Sunday night with Michaels and Collinsworth does not give you legitimacy.  Legitimacy will come when this team can play consistently for 60 minutes throughout a season and have the schemes to compete with the best on a regular basis.  Right now, the best in the NFL is not coming from the NFC East.  It is so important to realize that, because only a pathetic division allows for this team to even be talking about the playoffs in Week 17.     

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