Packers Tip Their Cap and Call The Giants Their Daddy

My trip to Lambeau was a success. I must say Green Bay is a top-notch football town and nine out of ten Packers fans were gracious in defeat to the HUGE Giants contingency in attendance at the game. There could have been as many as 10-15 thousand there, and from what I saw and it must have been evident on TV. One definitely feels something special when you’re in that place.  Watching that Hail Mary come in right towards me from 25 rows up was something that was pretty unforgettable.

-The downfield coverage was great. I tried to tweet this during the game, but the coverage was flat out great. Downfield especially. While its frustrating that Rodgers was able to run so much in the game, that is a testament to THE BEST GAME OUR SECONDARY HAS PLAYED ALL YEAR. We frustrated Rodgers with that and disrupted their timing. As Dilfer said on ESPN Sunday night: the Packers passing game is SO dependent on timing, whether it be in the three step or the play action game. Plant that foot into the ground and get rid of it.

-The Giants disrupted that timing with their downfield coverage and by getting in his passing lanes. Rodgers was forced to take off or throw on the run. That means the timing is off. Although the Packers had six drops, two or three of those (haven’t seen the game on TV yet) looked to be on broken plays such as those. The bottom line is that the Giants got to Rodgers. And when we needed the pass rush it was there. I cannot see how this unit doesn’t show up every week now.

-Did anyone else have a flashback to Pierce’s huge screen stop in the last playoff run when Williams nearly took down Starks on that screen play?  Just missed it. To me–he’s someone who is getting better every week.

-I know nothing needs to be said about No. 10, but things are starting to get interesting with him when we compare him to his contemporaries—he’s played as well as anybody in the league for a good chunk of weeks now.  I didn’t even blink twice at his performance yesterday. He has been that good on third down too, reinvigorating many drives that seemed set for a three and out. I know this is looking ahead (my apologies as some of you worry about the jinx) but he’s 120 minutes from being a serious hall of fame candidate. Man oh man. 

I was hoping for this from McCarthy after the game.

Early quick thoughts for next week:

-SF is a tougher matchup for us right now than Green Bay was, make no mistake about it.  The Giants need to continue to be hitting on our passing game, in spite of the conditions. The Niners will give us a much tougher look when we have the ball and we have to be THAT much more crisp next Sunday. Can’t make like the Saints and give up on the run. Keep at it even if it isn’t producing. Can’t win without it.

-I know we hear a lot about it with the Niners but the specialists will be big. They are obviously the class of the league in that area and we need to match that—across the board—kicking, punting, coverage, returning game. Could come down to the special teams (in potentially bad conditions).

-HOWEVER. I just don’t think they are better than the Giants right now. I just can’t see them bringing anything but their A game to San Francisco. And when it comes down to it our best is better than theirs. Quick question- throw the regular season out the window, now tell me who the best team left in the playoffs is. For me the answer is easy.

In Coughlin We Trust. In Eli We Trust. ALL IN.

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