Parcells 1st time ballot HOF?

There has been a lot of debate recently about Bill Parcells being left out of the Hall of Fame on his first Ballot.  He’s already a Hall of Famer in many Giants fans’ eyes, turning the franchise around from the abyss of the 70s and bringing the team 2 Super Bowls.

Dan Pompeii of National Football Post gives his take on all the ruckus of him not being voted in and why he will eventually be voted in.  What was remarkable about Parcells is he won wherever he went and turned teams around into contenders.  Pompeii added, “what makes Parcells stand out is not his record alone, but the footprint he left on the game. Greatness is measured in more than wins and losses.”  Just look at his coaching/GM tree: Belichick, Pioli, Crennel, Weis, Tannenbaum, Payton, Haley, Coughlin, Palmer and Zimmer.

Here is what Sean Payton had to say about Parcells:

“He was one of the greatest motivators of our time, and that resulted in him being able to get the best from his teams. Parcells’ greatest strength is he understood people and behavior, competitive behavior.  He understood what it took to practice well, play well and win, better than anyone I’ve ever been around. He knew how to stay on coaches, then at a certain point, when you might be getting frustrated, he’d be in your office talking about something funny. It was the same way with players. He’d have nicknames for everyone. He was extremely hard on you at times. He knew how to prepare a team to be at their best when they needed to be. He knew how to challenge players. I’ve seen him create a crisis.  Despite his image, Parcells was flexible, not a system coach like so many are today. He was able to take whatever he had and bend his philosophy to fit.  He was always looking to build his scheme based on the talent he had.”


“He was a turnaround specialist, making bad teams good ones. This was due mostly to his ability to see the big picture. He was able to go into a team and, even though there were a thousand problems, he could identify the ten most important things and get six or seven of them fixed right away and make the team competitive.”


“He was very good at identifying players who would fit his teams, and he had specific traits he was looking for in everything from a quarterback to a practice squad linebacker.  He has a distinct image of what each position should be, and he fits the player to the position.”

It is a damn shame Parcells is not a first ballot Hall of Famer.  This fraud of an election committee collectively decided to put personalities before principles.  Apparently, Parcells hurt the feelings of some of these hack “journalists”.  This is the reason why the Tuna is not in the Hall of Fame.

Pete, one of our experts here at UltimateNYG, opines on the Parcells snub: 

I have struggled this year with professional football, the quality of the game, the lock out, and the treatment of players.

Nothing has made my blood boil like what happened!!!!

Bill Parcells was not admitted to the Hall Of Fame on the first ballot!! It has never been more clear about what ills the game I have played, the game I worked for, and the sports passion of my life, than this outrage!!

Bill Parcells by stats is one of at least the top five coaches to ever lead a team.  Parcells and George Young turned a miserable Giant franchise into a two time super bowl winner. He made a terrible Jet team a contender. He made Men out of boys, as people like Curtis Martin said after this shame.

Martin deservedly made the hall on the first ballot, which was “soiled” by the snub of the man he credits with his success. Martin credits Parcells with his HOF career and said ”it would be my honor to introduce him to the Hall.” People who made a difference like Gil Brandt, the men who played for Parcells and most other living HOF members were stunned by this outrage. Parcells was all about the game and was a hero of mine.

Sure, he made enemies as most people who excel do. Yes, he was and ”is” “eccentric,” as he went from the Giants to the Patriots, Jets, Cowboys, and the Dolphins. I felt betrayed when Mr. Bill left my Giants. I never really got over that and neither did this organization.

Parcells won everywhere he went. His players to a man respected him. He set records that most likely will never be broken. He dedicated his life to this game.

It was never about money for Bill.  It was about football, his players, and the game.

I would argue that greatness is measured in many ways but look at who worked for Bill and went on to become a head coach elsewhere. No one can boast that the likes of Payton, Crennel, Belichick, Haley, Coughlin, and even Garrett learned learned the game under Bill.

Both coaches in Super Bowl XLVI worked for Parcells, which speaks for itself.  Pro football will never be the same for the disgrace of their actions and disrespect for a man who earned the “Hall.”

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