Down to Earth

It is a nice problem to have, drinking in a Super Bowl title.  Now that we have all come down to earth and the reality of the Giants having a 4th Super Bowl is with us, we are also experiencing the withdrawal accompanying the end of football in 2011.  We’ll have the combine, free agency, the draft, minicamp and preseason.  But the cold of February is a bleak reminder of a long road ahead.  We will have discussions about players and needs.  One thing I am more than happy about is that there is no strike. The NFL is back, and that is a lift compared to this time last year.

The end of this 2012 season will give us the first opportunity to grade the graders.  Thie conclusion of 2012 will be the first year of the Draft Project’s verification.

New Yorkers are getting an extended February lift from linsanity.  I love the distraction.  I barely remember Willis Reed in ’69 but I do remember Frazier and Monroe in ’73.  It has been 39 years since the Knicks have won a title.  Could this town get treated to two in one year?!  That notion is the linsanity that is taking over NY; that’s what you get when you win 7 straight with a new point guard who was on the edge of having a roster spot in the NBA.  But this is the craziness of sports.  This is how you can get a WR from UMass who gets a spot with the Giants because no one, not even the Giants, would pay (his travel) to have him try out for the team.  Jeremy Lin was CUT by Houston!  The guy has more points in his first 4 starts than any player since the merger.  His points will go down but his assists should go up.  He is unselfish, a true point guard.  Last night he had 13 assists.

Yes, this is a NY Giants blog, so why do we give so much attention to basketball?  I’ll let you in a secret- one of the reasons why I started this blog was because a relative’s nephew was blogging the NY Knicks back in ’06.  30 minutes later I was posting.  Seth is still toasting.  

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