Here are the positional breakdowns for players at



Please note that there are a few defensive ends that can be 3-4 OLB’s and vice versa.  The question this draft for the Giants is- will Marvin Austin be ready for football after being out of football for 2 years? The answer to that question is going to have a role in what the Giants do at DT.  Obviously it would also be nice to have more clarity on Osi, who was a no-show at an OTA last week.

Speaking of Defensive Tackles and Defensive Ends, it was more than a little eye-opening to hear Tuck talk about last offseason.  Because of the lockout, Tuck admits he “(re)laxed on my regimens,” and that likely was a good part of the reason why he was oft-injured.  It is great to see that Tuck is full of focus during this offseason. Tuck is a class act.  By confronting his own shortcomings in 2011, that kind of honesty and integrity is going to propel him to even greater heights.  Along with Snee, I fully expect him to come back in 2012 with a great year.

The tentative schedule is to do the Linebackers Tuesday, Secondary Wednesday, the final board on Thursday and a discussion of Round 1.  Follow us on Twitter on Thursday night-  we’ll watch to see how the first round unfolds, comment on other teams and see who the Giants draft.  It should be a lot of fun.

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