Ben McAdoo named Giants OC

Ben McAdoo, the QBs coach and former TE coach of the GB Packers, was named offensive coordinator of the NY Giants.

We know very little about McAdoo beyond what those in the mainstream media are reporting.  

What we do know we do like:

          1) He's a positions coach who got a promotion.
          2) He's young- 36 years old.
          3) The Packers used a lot of small ball and McAdoo already said he plans on using an "up-tempo" offense.

Twitter was busy going back and forth last night comparing the Packers offense to the Giants offense.  Just because McAdoo is from the Packers does not mean we are getting the Packers offense; but with that said, we expect that we will get more of that than anything else.  As an example, when Spagnuolo (a positions coach under Jim Johnson in Philadelphia for many years) came to NY, we saw some of the pressure packages of PHI, so it would stand to reason that we will get some of the Packers offensive principles. 

They include a greater use of the screen/flare.  According to PFF, pass attempts into the left and right flat totaled 18 for the Giants (Eli Manning) and 39 for the Packers.  So we would assume we are going to see more RB passes in this offense.

It was interesting to see the personnel argument vs the NFL 2014 pass argument surface on Twitter.  The complaint via the media is that because the personnel was not there Gilbride should not have been faulted.  Our argument re: small ball screens, flares, intentional checkdowns et al is that this is the staple of rhythm and high percentage yardage in today's pass-happy league.  The Giants were left behind in that area.  Add that the Giants were #8 in the NFL in deep pass attempts and you get a picture of the exact opposite approach used.  Considering the weakness of the OL, shorter routes were more important than ever to the unit. 

The fundamental logic of the screen or delayed flare is critical.
1) The NFL (lack of) enforcement of inside the shoulders OL holding makes passing easier.
2) NFL teams pass more per snap
3) NFL defenses react by putting a premium on pass rush/blitz/pressure
4) NFL offenses respond by ______.

It is the response with the screen, flare and intentional checkdown that was missing from Gilbride's gameplan. 

McAdoo has much work to do.  He will need to install a new offense.  His players will not be comfortable with the new playbook at the onset.  Timing, nuance, etc.. will be a challenge.  So do not expect miracles in his first season.  Judge him in Year 2 when the players have had the time to come back from a year off and knowing the playbook.  We are cautiously optimistic that McAdoo will bring the change and the energy the Giants offense needs.

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