Articles by Alan Draper (246303)

Funny Budweiser commercial wCn_Hz_ikz0[/youtube]

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Where are the Gamecock Club donors?

Anyone notice that the Former Morgan Stanley chairman and CEO Philip J. Purcell announced this past Thursday he was contributing…

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Week 6 AOL preview up, plus weekly picks

Check it out. If you are too lazy to click the link, Brinkhater has a good feel for it below….

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Looking At the Payroll

In 2006, the Red Sox’s payroll was about $127.79 million dollars, while the Yankees are at $199.01 million dollars. While…

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Dr. Brinkhater

Well, this week began my personal quest to become Dr. Brinkhater. Unfortunately for the Brinkhater army, this quest comes at…

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Two pieces of good news…..

Good News #1 – Over 6,000 people viewed “Iowa Had A Bad Day, Too” in just the first day it…

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Quick Note On The Oakland A

The Oakland Athletics have lose nine straight potential series clinching games since the start of 2000. The A??s will get…

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A Good Read for today – Is the ACC weak?

Saw this article on and decided it was worthy to be posted here today. Do read it….it discusses the…

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Fire Brand Community’s 2006 Playoff Predictions

As predicted by you, me, and all the other commenters in Monday’s column, the Minnesota Twins will be the champions…

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Iowa Had A Bad Day, Too

As requested, here is my newest YouTube creation. Am I “just being mean”? Maybe. Does it “just about sum things…

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After going to the Twins game today, especially after the way the season ended, I was brought down hard. I’m…

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I Hope Frank Thomas Threw Out His Hip Trotting Around the Bases


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Major League Baseball Playoff Predictions

Ok people, it is that time of the year where the MLB playoffs take over all of your shows on…

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“Bad Day” remix??? YES!

Some of you recognize my video work, especially this classic, called “Texas Had A Bad Day”. Around The Oval said…

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Are we 11-0 already???

I said it in my last post, but now I’d like to discuss it….can we consider ourselves 11-0 right now?…

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Playoff Power Rankings

For baseball fans, October is the greatest month of the year. The year when the playoffs begin, the ultimate march…

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Careful when you call 911 in clemson…

If you call 911 in clemson on gameday, be careful who treats you. This is a interesting idea and takes…

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Two Coaches Wave Adieu To Boston

Pitching coach Dave Wallace and hitting coach Ron Jackson will not be back with the club next year. (link) (Fire…

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Monday Water Cooler Talk….

Interesting Spurrier Quotes… “I don’t want our fans to boo, but please don’t clap when we come close,” Spurrier told…

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UCONN Huskies shipwrecked by the Middies

In another “exciting” football game this weekend, UCONN was destroyed 41-17 by the Navy Midshipmen. Boasting the number 1 rushing…

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Predicting the 2006 Playoffs

I thought it’d be a fun exercise to predict the playoffs. We did a pretty good job predicting the position…

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2006: A look back

Well, the regular season ends today, and what a season it has been. Before we step into the bizarro-world that…

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Just Win Next Week!

First of all, congratulations to the Cougar program for a heck of a game tonight. It was a really fun…

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Complete and total domination

Seriously, THAT was the #13 team in the NCAA? They looked like they were foundering on every drive except two…

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Two Nights in Teflon

The past two nights, I’ve spent going to baseball ganes, checking out the Twins before they begin their hopefully lengthy…

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New Uniform Ad – More to it Than Just Uniforms?

So this showed up in the Evergreen today, and right in line with the press release, “Crimson and Gray in…

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Tomorrow’s game

It’s the night before a game. Guess what I am having trouble with??? Yep. I can’t sleep. Oh, well. It’s…

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Football Friday: Week V

So, we finally reach the big weekend. While next week’s game is really the swing game of the season, this…

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Back From Biloxi

So I had a great time in Biloxi, MS last week. Mostly because I got away from my desk and…

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