9 years

It took 9 years to find out why the team caved so badly on such a big stage.


Yesterday Motown posted the Friday interview of Amani Toomer with WFAN.  He was sitting on that for 9 years.  He clearly felt it would be unprofessional to discuss it at that time and never mentioned until now.  We’ll hazard a guess and believe that the disclosure came about because this is the first time he is officially retired.  He has to promote himself now, so if that means we hear more Toomer stories, I certainly won’t be the one to make him stop talking. 

With more time comes more information and disclosure.  Do you think we would find out about Byron Hunt peeing in LT’s cup while they were playing or 10 years after retirement when LT wrote a book?  It is easier to understand what is going on now, knowing that crazy stuff like this happens and that you’ll get filled in eventually.  Some of us have information now that we cannot share.  My father had a writing relationship with George Young in the 1990s and you would not believe the stuff we found out… while these players were playing.  Young knew and could trust my father… none of it ever was leaked. 

Eventually the details come out.  You can bet your sweet brown that a lot of the dysfunctional things that took place this past season during the implosion will come out.  A player will get cut.  Another will retire.  Someone will write a book.  Umenyiora.  Sheridan.  Coughlin.  Bernard and Canty.  Reese.  We’ll find out what happened.   

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