A few of the typically less memorable moments with Mike and the Dog

Well, Mushnick did not do a top 10 list of Mike and the Dog’s rudest and lowest moments, but we’ll cobble together a few which surfaced in today’s column:

Early in the season on his radio and TV shows, Mike Francesa dismissed the Rays as aberrations. “Get back to me in August,” became his mantra. A caller, Monday, reminded him that it’s August and the Rays are in first. Francesa blew him off.

Two Chris Russo word-challenged WFAN moments always will stand out above 5,000 others:

When, shortly after 4 p.m. he would read the closing numbers on the NASDAQ, he also would be given the numbers of popular computer company stocks. Thus, one afternoon Russo told his audience that, “Yoo-hoo was up one and an eighth.”

The other was from a Saturday solo show, when Russo addressed a new studio staffer:
“Robert, what’s your last name?”
“Hassadi,” he replied.
Russo said he would never be able to deal with that name, so, he asked, “How about if I call you R.H.?”
“How about M.H.?” the staffer suggested.
“Why M.H.?” asked Russo.
“Because my first name is Michael.”

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