Andrews a Giant

Former All-Pro offensive lineman Shawn Andrews is a New York Giant.  After undergoing two back surgeries, can he play at a high level?

The last time Andrews has played in the NFL: 2008.  Even though this was a surprising move, the Giants needed to add depth to a nicked up and aging offensive line.  Besides adding depth, Andrews also provides youth.  He is 27 years old.  Other members of the Giants offensive line:

Shaun O’Hara  is 33.

Rich Seubert  is 31.

Kareem McKenzie is 31.

And the way his contract is structured,  it is a low risk-high reward deal.   If  Andrews does not work out, the Giants do not take a hit in the wallet.  A shrewd move by Reese.  Give Reese tremendous credit for finding creative ways to improve his team.  Last month, he added Bulluck to a similar performance based contract. 

Speaking of performance, the Giants offensive line looked pathetic against the Jets. As we saw on Monday Night Football, the Giants offensive line did not play well. As a unit, they struggled to open up holes as well as protecting their quarterbacks. As a result of their suspect play, backup quarterback Jim Sorgi is out. His injury is much worse than first thought.   Bringing in Shawn Andrews raises a lot of questions. 

1. How severe is Chris Snee’s knee injury?

2.  Is William “Turnstile” Beatty not ready to start?

3.  Is Rich Seubert nearing the end of his career?

4.  Did the Giants bring in Andrews because Kareem McKenzie could breakdown soon?

The Giants have been mum about Snee.  Is his injury more serious than the Giants are revealing?  Apparently, the swelling is not serious. If his knee is unremarkable, how come he is not practicing?  Today, Coughlin ruled out Snee for Saturday’s game against the Steelers. Clearly, there is more to the story than the Giants are leading us on.

Pete thinks Beatty looked like a turnstile against the Jets. Couple his shoddy play along with an unimpressive camp, Beatty is not ready for prime time.

Coming off offseason shoulder surgery, Rich Seubert is now dinged up again with a broken bone  in his left hand.  Can he be effective in 2010?

As for Kareem McKenzie, thankfully he has held up thus far; however, can he stay healthy for 16 games?

What position will Andrews play?  Guard?  Head coach Tom Coughlin was asked this question.

TC:  I don’t know that, I’m not going to tell you that. He can play tackle or guard. He’s been a guard. He’s a natural left hander. 

 When Andrews played for the Eagles, he was their starting right guard.  We shall see when and where he plays on the offensive line. 

Stay tuned.

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