Banks: A** whooping disgrace

Many may have anticipated the reaction and words of the original #58 especially given he is an accomplished former New York Football Giant alumni.  

Banks apparently felt this emotionally as he states that he was “torn ever since the game ended as a guy who wore the uniform to (now undertaking his role as) a guy who is an analyst now.”  Furthermore their performance was as “disgraceful as anyone who can put on a uniform and especially on the defensive side of the ball.  It was a collective willingness to accept: ‘oh, it’s just not our day.’ ”  Carl has “never seen a group with so much at stake and I (Banks) say this because this team is not without talent and to accept that a** whooping the way they did is disgraceful.”  The leadership void was clearly hinted by Carl when he postulated that “nobody really wants to fight which is really wrong as a (former) player speaking out” is, you guessed it, “disgraceful”.  Howard Cross and him were talking and stated that “there was a transition of guys who played when I was playing Armstead, Sehorn, and Strahan…guys that were fighters” and “that’s what they are lacking right now.”  To further his point: “you can have a lot of talent and that talent can have one mind set and it’s not a very tough one.”

The offense continued their “story of the season” as “by the time the (offense) gets back on the field it’s a bigger deficit.”  Carl was alluding to the fact that they consistently faced a deficit in momentum not just points.  Carl believed collectively both defensively and offensively they had their share of “missed opportunities and poor execution” but “every players has to really understand and grasp the concept of making their contribution” to change the momentum of a game.

Banks reiterated that Sheridan and Osi are “not a good fit”.  Bottom line with Osi still recovering from a knee injury, “bad mix of not playing well and finding his fit in the defense” all contributes to Osi’s outburst yesterday.  But in the end Carl is “not quick to dismiss him as a Giant.”

On his take on a possible change with Sheridan he states that “I am sure they are going to evaluate (him).”   He meekly defends Sheridan “when you have the amount of talent defensively and not every team in the league is stocked, the Giants actually have more in some places than teams can have in their entire eleven guys and they have gotten nothing from these guys.” 

The chemistry and character of this team was given a metaphor by Banks when he stated the following:

“They are almost like chameleons as you hear them after a Friday practice: coach Sheridan says we had a great week of practice, players say they had a great week of practice but as soon as something doesn’t go right as planned, as in your controlled environment called practice, you don’t make the adjustment” in game time. 

All this he believes will “take an adjustment by the Head Coach to be more demanding of both coaches and players” and Banks feels he will do this as he thinks “he is too good of a football coach not to.”  He feels Coughlin may have been too light on them and treated them like grown men as “he toned it down a couple of years ago and now it’s time to tone it back up.”  We have heard, per Carl, “after week 1, 2, 8 and 16 it’s the same rhetoric coming out of the locker room as ‘yeah we know what we are doing wrong and we’ll get it straightened out’ and yet they never fix them.”   Per Carl “yesterday was a culmination of all things going bad” with “Mushin Muhammad running by anyone at this stage (in his career) is obviously a breakdown” to “poor tackling.”

In looking forward to next year Carl believes the “cupboard is not bare” but “clearly need to make adjustments.”  He ponders why Sintim never plays, has seen some positives out of Goff but the biggest adjustment he hinted at was a needed improvement from the DT unit, injuries considered.

Motown here, most you on this blog have demonstrated a passion that is purely the reason for its existence but with much of it owed to Andy.  How many of you feel you would give every ounce of everything you have and then some, if you had the God given talent these guys possessed, this past Sunday?  Can we accept that Coughlin would wait until after you are spent for the season to start making head coaching adjustments in being “more demanding” of both his coaches and players?  Can we accept that a defensive coordinator has “more (talent) in some places than teams can have in their entire eleven guys”?  To add insult to injury Banks wonders “why are you not putting a premium on your pass rushing and ability to stop the run so that those guys (in the secondary) don’t get exposed?”  The leadership of this team is so woefully lacking that do you think L.T., Carson, or Simms would tolerate laughing and joking with the Panthers as they did entering the locker rooms at the end of the half after a thorough humiliation?  The chemistry and character of this team is enough for Reese to search high and low to find “fighters” in free agency.

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