Chris Snee, Drew Rosenhaus and Ahmad Bradshaw get some attention at NY Giants training camp

The biggest news is that Snee’s MRI revealed there is no serious injury. Coughlin implied that that was probably the case. Snee is the bedrock of the entire line, so given that the line is the pillar of the entire offense, his status was nothing insignificant. He may be a Guard but he makes McKenzie and O’Hara better, not the other way around. No news here was VERY GOOD NEWS.

Other important news is the sighting of the Rosenhaus clan in training camp. DiTrani was great, remarking that “they didn’t come all the way to Albany just to enjoy the cuisine.” Maybe this Burress logjam can be broken so that certain injuries can heal a little bit faster.

Schwartz did a puff piece on Bradshaw yesterday. Regulars to the Ultimatenyg blog know one thing about where we stand on Bradshaw– Gilbride is out to lunch almost as much on his underutilization of this talent as he was with Shockey. ULTIMATENYG MEGAPHONE WARNING: You’ll be hearing the positive rants on Bradshaw early and often. If this means I have to expose Gilbride for being the meathead he is, so be it.

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