Clint Sintim’s Silver Spoon

Well, this was a new one.  Apparently one of rookie Clint Sintim’s problems was that he was unmotivated.

I’ll point fingers- Pierce, Tuck and Coughlin.  With special emphasis on Pierce and Tuck.  Who are the leaders of the defense?  We have talked at length about the leadership vacuum last year.  To hear about a player who lacked effort and desire, that is scary.

“I guess it wasn’t a big epiphany but gradually just starting to understand what NFL football is all about.”

It’s about effort, which was apparently lacking for Sintim at times during his rookie season.

“I’m going to start on a great defense, with great teammates and a great organization,” he said. “I try to remind myself about that every time I don’t feel like doing something.”

I certainly hope it was an epiphany for him, because otherwise life and the game of football are going to pass him by quickly.  He’s very fortunate he has enough skill to be drafted as a 2nd rounder, because if he were a 5th rounder or later he would have already been cut.  The fact that he has no competition for his starting job is not ideal under ANY circumstances.

LBer LBer LBer

Question for the group: who is doing the due diligence on this guy? The Giants almost took Sintim at 29 in the draft, but backed off and were thrilled to find him at Shockey’s/Saints #2 spot (#45).  Maybe they are less thrilled now.  Lack of motivation and effort are huge red flags that should be uncovered a long time before you are drafting someone.  Especially in Round 1.  There have been other lapses in due diligence- that is specifically why I ask.

Dead skunk’s a** time: Do you realize that this team could easily have had Jerry Hughes AND Daryl Washington?  Maybe that would have lit a fire under his behind.

People do not realize that surviving and thriving in the NFL is about everything– not only gobs of skill but gobs of effort.  The stories about Lawrence Taylor getting ridden in practice by Bill Parcells are legendary, but it should be a reminder that the more you are given, the more you need to put out.  Nothing is handed to anyone in the NFL, not even Taylor.  Let’s see this player work his tail off and make a difference.  We do not have enough quality LBers back there to afford to ‘not feel like doing something.’

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