Detroit Whatever Giants Whatver and less

Thanks all for the color. Not good, GREAT to hear that Phillips has game. Every team is improving every year, and we know our second year guys will get better etc.. but to get a rookie like Phillips to hit the ground (and players) running is VERY good confirmation of early camp reports of his range. This item alone can tighten up a defense and make it and the team competitive enough to be in there at the end of the season.

Marvelous: “Eli was putrid and minus two top WR. He threw six passes.. 2 to Jacobs (???) and NONE to Boss. He pussied to an open Jacobs with a flutter pass? Bradshaw was AGAIN wasted.”

So I gather that Old Eli returned for a cameo preseason appearance. Let’s hope that this is not anything significant. I admit I am slightly spoiled from the playoffs. I also swore that I would behave, having given Eli a free pass for life. I’ll behave. For at least a few regular season games. It is worth mentioning that the dump off passes to RBs were never a strong point of Eli. I remember a play vs TB in last year’s playoffs where Bradshaw was WIDE open in the flat, and Eli threw a ball toward him but the ball hit the ground.. I wish I could say it was thrown to his feet, but that would have been a compliment to the throw. Needless to say Bradshaw would still be running today on that play if he gets that ball. Eli talks correctly about improving his game, and this is one area that certainly stands out.

Vacchiano passes along that the gmen are interested in Pennington. I would prefer not. Pennington is a dome QB, because after all of those surgeries he has a glass arm (Aaron Ross INTs, remember?!) and the Meadowlands is NOT the place for him. So I will go on record as being against bringing him in. I really like the smarts of Pennington but unfortunately when we will need his arm to be strongest (winter, wind, playoffs when Eli goes down) he will not be able to deliver. Please pass on him. Consensus from everyone (including Marvelous) was that Wright looked good, so why go after him? Because we have cap room? If we have cap room, GET Burress signed. Fwiw, word is that the Dolphins have made multiple inquiries to Pennington’s agent after Pennington was cut, so I would have to think that Pennington is going to want to play for a team that gives him a (reasonable shot at a) starting job, instead of a gmen stone cold clipboard role.

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