Eli Moneybags

1) Eli Manning is set to get a 6 yr deal worth ~$97M. That’s a lot of hospital birthing centers. Reese: “He’s a good football player.” But therein lies the rub. We have been saying all along, he’s a GOOD player. Not great, good. Those were Reese’s words, carefully chosen- “good.” Someone please explain to us why “good” gets you the highest salary in the NFL. Eli is deserving of a lot, but there are ~1700 players in this league and Eli Manning does NOT deserve the #1 salary in the league.

2) Someone please order me a pizza. But is it possible to get one for less than $90? Like we said before, for this kind of money, buy your ticket without the frills and get over to Il Mulino after the game. The food is slightly better. I’m not that sure what a good restaurant is in Dallas, but it is not going to be as costly as a $90 pizza. But then again, it all makes sense. You better be selling a lot of $90 pizzas to pay for the Romos and Mannings of the world.

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