Enrique Davis Finally Hits Something Hard

Cam Newton

I realize the Enrique Davis arrest story is two days old, but in my defense, I did mention something about it on Twitter.  I just forgot to write something about it on here.  MY MEDIA EMPIRE IS FALLING TO PIECES DUE TO MY FORGETFUL NATURE.

Anyway, if you’re too lazy to click the link and/or haven’t heard by now, Davis, Houston Nutt’s most specialest running back, was arrested in scenic and disease-heavy Panama City, Florida for actions related to peeing on a car and hitting a police officer.  And this did not just go down in Panama City, but at ground zero for newborn viruses, Club La Vela. 

Once upon a time, when I had a spring break, I ventured inside Club La Vela to see Coolio perform for a moderate fee.  It was a fairly uneventful show, minus Coolio removing the tops of several ladies who voluntarily got on stage at a Club La Vela Coolio show, which let everyone know how little their parents and friends loved them.  Oh, and when he played “Gangsta’s Paradise,” he did so wearing a purple robe while gunshot sound effects rang out during the intro.

Now, none of that is related to the Enrique Davis story, I just wanted to talk about seeing Coolio at the one place in the world where Enrique did not tiptoe before being dropped for no gain.  Also, why are all local TV news stations’ websites a pile of fish sticks vomit?  This is 2012, no one has AOL or builds websites through GeoCities anymore.  SPEND THE $200 ON A COMMUNITY COLLEGE WEB DESIGNER.

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