Giants and NFL comments

A few random notes and observations about the Giants and the NFL.

1)  Kevin Boss had successful ankle surgery on Monday.  Yes, I understand they were probably seeing if he could heal without a procedure, but to wait until practically June to do the operation strikes me as unnecessary.  I am ready for the press release from training camp: “Boss limited.”

2)  All the Super Bowl 2014 talk about the weather in New York?  If the NFL was so worried about the weather, they could start the game at 3PM, like they used to back in the old days.  That would add about 5-10 degrees to the game temperature. 

3) An interesting read on the NFL labor impasse between players and owners.  This piece describes some of the interesting dynamics and logistics of what the work stoppage will look like.

4) 10 Miles sent us an interesting link that is definitely worth reading: “The Ultimate Guide To NFL Defense”  Read up, gentlemen.  Quiz tomorrow.

5) Another report about Kenny Phillips.  I am almost embarrassed to link to it, but it is May and admit it: none of us football degenerates has a life.  As if we needed another reason to get training camp started, finally getting real answers about Phillips’ status will be a huge part of our chances in 2010. 

6) Back in January, we did a piece on Bill Walsh.  Hmm, seems that Mr. Walsh had some defensive issues to address.  Even though everyone knew him as an offensive guru, the guy drafted defense for 6 of the first 7 picks.  Well, it was exactly a month ago that the Giants … drafted 5 of the first 6 players on defense.  Check.  Walsh also brought in veteran linebacker Jack Hacksaw Reynolds.  Well, another veteran linebacker with the same kind of influence is available.  Bring this guy in, if he passes the physical you give the team a credible LBer and you also give the team a leader. 

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