Hitler, Coughlin and a 12 point lead w/ < 6 minutes left

What do the following things have in common?

1) Coughlin opens his mouth and puts himself in the same category as Hitler when it comes to media assault.
2) Coughlin physically takes the legs out from his players at the end of each season by having multiple practices in full pads.
3) Coughlin elects to kick the extra point with 3:45 secs left and a 12 point lead in the (week 6) Atlanta game. (After the game, Coughlin admits his error.)
4) Coughlin elects to kick the extra point with 6:13 secs left and a 12 point lead in the (week 17) Washington game. Subsequently, the Skins march down the field, score a TD, stop the Giants on their next possession and get the ball back for ONE last drive down by SIX points with 2 mins to go.
5) Coughlin runs a Pisarcik instead of taking a knee on that final possession (Week 17) to close out the game.


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