Hugh Freeze Could Have A Scholarship Offer For You


If you’ve been paying attention, though why would you given that it involves Ole Miss athletics, Hugh Freeze has been busy on the recruiting front, as he tries to repair the damage done by four years of people helpin’ recruiting by Houston Nutt. Thanks to this strategy of going after recruits who had very little chance of academically qualifying and/or behavioral issues that would eventually get them kicked off the team, Ole Miss is severely lacking in the talent department, which, last time I checked, is mildly important to winning games.

To rebuild the talent pool, Freeze has been very aggressive in recruiting so far, giving out scholarship offers at nearly the same rate Tyrone Nix’s defense gave up points.  In fact, some of you younger readers might be wondering if you could soon be getting a scholarship offer from Freeze.  To help you sort it all out, I have created this flowchart that should help clear up any questions you might have.

(Right-click to jumbo size)

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