I Hope Your March Is Ruined

For those with a team in the NCAA Tournament, I wish ill will upon you in the nicest way possible.  I have nothing against your team, save for Kansas because those assholes have ruined more of my brackets than all the other 300 and something teams combined, but I sincerely hope something worse than what happened to Ole Miss 14 years ago this week happens to your team.


I want to see this happen for a few reasons.  First, who doesn’t enjoy watching fans of not your team experience pain and agony related to a soul-crushing loss?  Second, if your team loses by a more spectacular buzzer beater than Ole Miss did, it pushes the Bryce Drew highlight down the highlight food chain during the tournament.  And third, WHAT THE SHIT BUCK FLANIGAN HOW HARD IS IT TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS OF “STAY WITH BRYCE DREW NO MATTER WHAT?”

The worst thing about this, other than that highlight being played every March from now until the end of time, was that part of the bracket exploded when top-seeded Kansas lost to Rhode Island (HAHAHAHAHA) in the second round.  So, if Ole Miss had not shit the bed, we’d have played Florida State (12 seed), then Rhode Island (8), and finally Stanford (3) for the right to go to the Final Four.  And if we had reached the Final Four, we would have played Kentucky, a team we beat IN RUPP ARENA BY NINE, followed by Utah.

But, for my health, let’s not play that game.  We all know that if we had beaten Valparaiso, Florida State would have beaten us by 25.  Anyway, here’s to losses that make you question why you even bother following sports.

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