Jeremy Shockey trade ???

The rumors and ideas about Shockey getting traded do not let up. It boils down to this- are the Giants a better team with him, OR without him plus a ~high second round draft pick? Let’s analyze both camps:

CAMP 1: The Giants are better off with Shockey
1) The Giants got better w/o him because of Smith’s return, Bradshaw’s entry into the offense and Boss’ solid play as his replacement, NOT because of Shockey’s exit
2) Boss cannot block nearly as well as Shockey and he certainly is not as good in pass catching
3) The Giants offense was great w/ Manning finding his rhythm and will be unstoppable with Shockey as yet another feature
4) Boss and Shockey are a TWO TIGHT END SET that is scary good, and can give relief to the team if a WR goes down and makes that position a little thinner
5) Sean Payton knows him from his days as an offensive coordinator for the Giants (2002) and wants him for a reason- he is an ALL PRO player for a good reason
6) He is in his prime and under (a very affordable) contract

CAMP 2: The Giants are better off without Shockey
1) Eli played better because he did not have that raving lunatic in the huddle demanding the ball (The Tim Hasselbeck, Elliot W. theory espoused by many)
2) Boss is our new TE… it is inefficient to have two good TEs, so getting a draft pick for Shockey still gives us a TE presence and perhaps defense or an OL to help elsewhere
3) He gets injured often
4) Even when he is not injured he is often playing hurt at less than 100%
5) Gilbride is a moron for misusing him too much as a blocker, so take your losses, admit the inefficiency and let someone else (who expects to use him more efficiently) pay for his services so that everyone wins
6) Get something now for him while you can
7) Shockey has ‘allegedly’ voiced his frustration with the Giants offense to ‘friends,’ and you do not need that undermining your team

I asked Wonder about Shockey, and he thought that if the Giants get a tall WR at #31 like Hardy, it makes Shockey very expendable and that he should be moved (assuming they can get a good #2 pick). This makes a scenario unfold where the Giants wait for their #31 pick to arrive, and as soon as they know what position they take it will dictate whether they want the Saints’ #2 pick. If the Giants are secretly coveting a WR or TE in R1 (OR, just as importantly if one falls to them value-wise), it would make sense to hold off any Shockey trade until that objective is met. I am in Camp 1.. I do not agree with trading Shockey. But if the Giants do want to move him, they are smart in waiting until the draft to see what other variables they can determine before making that decision.

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