Jerry Reese Puts on Another Great Show

Jerry Reese spoke with the media this morning.

Good Morning. Yes, it is good because Mara would’ve canned me if Jacksonville was the last game of the season.

Six and 10, obviously we are all disappointed. But thankfully Mara is not disappointed enough because he makes too much money from addicted fans who keep paying to see our product.

Like always, our goal is to come in the season, have a winning season, get into the tournament. Haven’t done that in the last few years, that is not our standard. My “standard” for replacing aging Offensive Linemen is to wait until they need hip replacements and then (1) start reaching in the draft (2) overpaying for Baas in FA & eating the last 2 years of his contract and (3) blowing my cap on Beatty.

We want to apologize for that, number one, to our fans, who, no matter what, they come out and really give us their best. We want to apologize for that. LOL, our sucker fans come out “no matter what” because they HAVE to buy tickets with those PSLs!  They even pay for those preseason games too. But please accept my apologies along with that bill.

Moving forward, I want to try and accentuate what the positive things are because there are plenty of people who can talk about what the negative things are. There are plenty of people who can talk about the negative because there sure is a lot of negative stuff going on around here.

What disappoints me the most before I try to get to the positive things are that, during the season, we had plenty of chances to win some games. We were in a lot of games and we didn’t close games out. That was the most disappointing thing for me. If the old man and his assistants did a better job, I might look a little better.

People like to throw the injury thing in there. Everybody has injuries, that is a part of the league. Please do not draw attention to the fact that my franchise is in the bottom half of injuries for 6 consecutive seasons, the bottom 25% for the past 4 years, and dead last in the league for the past 2 seasons. I am in denial and it is easier to dismiss the worsening injuries as just a part of the league.

We had chances to close games out as an offense, as a defense, even on special teams. We didn’t close some games out, so that was disappointing. It is a learned behavior that I think when you have a chance to close teams out, you can step on their neck, you have to do that. If you don’t, it’s hard to win in this league. You can go back and look at our schedule and look at the second half of some games, we were ahead, or close, or leading in some games, and we didn’t close games out. Again, we had all three phases of the game, we could’ve closed some games out and we didn’t do that. Damn it, don’t listen to that Parcells sh*t that says you are what your record is. We really weren’t a 6-10 team. I’m trying to be in denial here. I am very good at putting lipstick on the same pig… don’t you remember my show last year?

The positive things are, I do think we are going in the right direction. I heard John Mara, I heard Tom Coughlin, I don’t want to try to repeat everything they said, but I do think we are going in the right direction. I think we can have a really good football team going into next year. Odell Beckham saved Tom’s and my job.

The draft class, I know there has been some personnel issues, and I am responsible for that. I take full responsibility for all of the personnel issues. We did have a few things that happened to set us back some…on our roster. Again, in spite of all of that, we had plenty of opportunities to win games, and we didn’t close teams out, we had an opportunity to do that. You have to do that in this league. If I took full responsibility for all of the personnel issues, Mara would have canned me last year. The franchise is in rebuilding mode because I torched the Offensive Line, missed on Linebacker since the year of the flood up until Kennard, took Wilson and Randle in 2012 in R1 and R2 which killed us, paid $17MM for 3 yrs on Beason and I’m not sure how many games (let alone seasons) I am going to get for that, should I keep going?…

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