Jerry Reese Will Not Be the NY Giants GM in 2015

Jerry Reese will not be the NY Giants GM in 2015.  I read an article today by Paul Schwartz of the NY Post.  So that’s my source.  Let’s take some excerpted quotes from Schwartz.

1) “How Jerry Reese is failing Eli Manning” – this is the title.  It’s pretty blunt.  Not your typical beat writer fare.

2) “Here’s another prize delivered to the Giants this holiday season from general manager Jerry Reese: Charles Brown, now playing right tackle. Or more accurately, not playing right tackle.”  The cynicism is pointed… “another prize.”  For a beat writer to openly rip the GM of the team he is covering for failing to have adequate personnel is extremely noteworthy by this NY Giants blogger.

3) “Brewer, another Reese beauty, was a fourth-round pick in 2011 and has stuck on the roster because he’s a draft pick. Heaven knows he’s not around because of anything he’s done on the field. He should have been gone years ago.”  More cynicism…  “another Reese beauty.”  The direct implication of a bloated roster filled with players who are protected by their status as draft picks has been noted by beat writers in the past, but this time it was done with no punches pulled.

4) “The line can’t run-block worth a damn.”  This was when my jaw dropped.  Because I have no doubt that beat writers can and do speak with this kind of blunt candidness off the record.  But in print?! “Worth a damn?”  Them’s fightin’ words.  Either you and Jerry already don’t get along or you have to know that this GM won’t be around for that much longer.  My bet is on the latter.

5) “When is the last time Reese and the Giants came up with a real “find’’ in the middle to late rounds at linebacker? The answer is never.”  Beat writers usually qualify opinions.  They generally leave themselves outs.  They are the two-handed economist.  One the one hand…  So “the answer is never” is unequivocal, and it tells me Reese is a goner.  For what it is worth, we said this past May that Kennard is a very good pick, but it will be too little too late for Reese.

So let’s look at what was said:
Jerry Reese is failing. 
Charles Brown is another Reese prize. 
Brewer is another Reese beauty. 
The line can’t run-block worth a damn. 
The last time Reese found a LBer is never.

If Schwartz were a blogger or even a sportswriter who did not cover the Giants on a regular basis, I would not be writing this piece.  In fact, we here on this NY Giants blog have trashed Reese too many times to count already.  But that’s the difference- none of those people need access to the players, coaches and even front office staff.  Beat writers need access.  It’s their livelihood.  The relationship is altered and constrained by the realities of the job at hand.  These people have jobs with conflicts of interest from Day 1.

So there are 3 possibilities for the reason why Schwartz was so blunt.  Either  (A) Schwartz and Reese dislike each other  (B) Schwartz has another job after the season is over or (C) Reese will not be GM of the NY Giants after this season.  The Giants are 3-7.  They will not be in the playoffs for the 5th time in the last 6 years.  Reese is on the hot seat.  Schwartz is smart enough not to burn all his bridges unless he knows Reese is not going to be around next season.  I select choice (C).  We’ll find out in ~6 weeks.

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