Little Brother Dan Is Not Happy

Yesterday, WAPT, a TV station in Jackson (home to NEXRAD-16 and David Hartman!), reported that Mississippi State coach Dan Mullen would be named the next head coach of Penn State.  Mullen, not surprisingly so, was a little less than pleased to hear such a report:

“It’s the most irresponsible reporting that I’ve ever heard of.”

He went on to say that he has had no contact with Penn State or any other school.  When asked where this report could have possibly originated, Mullen pointed the finger not at internet message boards or overeager media types looking to break a story, but at mysterious rival schools:

“I blame it on rival institutions trying to ruin our recruiting which we have dominated in this state over the past three years.”

Rival institutions? Which ones?

“You take it from there.”

Gotcha. So, you’d like reporters to continue the same line of irresponsible reporting that has you answering questions about Penn State, except this reporting about rival institutions would give you something you could twist for your benefit?  MASTERFULLY CRAFTED, LITTLE BROTHER.

If only Houston Nutt were still employed, we could soon find ourselves with a front row seat to a classic pissing match.  But, if for some reason that makes no sense in all of God’s green earth, Larry Fedora is hired at Ole Miss, we could be treated to such a match.

Now, Jackson State or Alcorn State, why don’t you get a sense of humor and admit that it was you, a rival institution, who planted the story of Mullen to Penn State.

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