Lombardi Tickets Winner

Last week, we held a contest to win a pair of tickets to see the Broadway play Lombardi.  The winner was Charles Wantman. Honorable Mention went to Marc Hiller. Click through to read the entry from Charles.

Charles and others were posed with the question- Which Giants Super Bowl win was your favorite, and why?

The most recent, Super Bowl XLII, is my favorite because there were so many heroic contributions from “average “Joe’s.”  It was an improbable run through the playoffs to begin with.  The stars came through — Manning escaping the tentacles of what seemed like 12 defenders straight from a Steven Spielberg thriller to get off an astonishing pass to Tyree, who made an even more astonishing catch.  And finally Jay Alford, willing himself through to make the sack on Brady on the Patriots’ last chance drive.  

What was most impressive was that two of the key plays involved unheralded guys, proving again that it’s a team sport, and allowing average guys like me to believe that somewhere in life it’s possible that I might rise from “averageness” and do something truly spectacular, truly heroic.  The way they won that game allows us to believe in ourselves a little more.

Congratulations, Charles. 

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