Lots coming

1) DBerenson wisely reminded us yesterday not to get too ahead of ourselves in anointing this team or its defense. Keep improving. Something the offense did not do at year end.

2) No injuries (confirmed) was great. Some players (Smith, Ross, Webster, Snee, Seubert) looking to rejoin practice, if even just for individual drills.

3) Wonder thinks this should be Pierce’s last year and work Sintim in at MLB. Right now they have Sintim rushing from the edge. He can still do that. “They need a hard-hitting MLB who can run and cover a LITTLE! Groom him!”

4) More extensive recap of the preseason game from Garafolo.

5) The punt block was caused by 10 Giants on the field. Isn’t that Feagles’ job?! Damn, I’m moving him from ‘Good’ to ‘Ugly,’ the man cannot be trusted to do anything right. (Guys, that was a joke.)

6) Bradshaw moving up on Coughlin’s Death Chart

7) “And that’s why they call me Mr. Loser!” … How would you like to have the Panthers +3 in that game on Monday night??!!! The 2 pt conversion to TIE, and then the Douzy-able loss?!! Get me off the ledge! Or better, the Over/Under may have gone over at the end on that 15 points of insanity!

8) Wonder won’t keep quiet, I have to hear about Britt getting 5 receptions for 89 yards and a TD. I didn’t want Nicks OR Britt, I wanted a LBer. Old school. Defense wins championships.

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