Minicamp Update

1) Finn out for the year. Next stabilizer.
2) Coughlin asks players to talk less and play more. How about if Coughlin would rant less?
3) NY Times: “Coach just has a lot easier demeanor about him,” Strahan said. “When you look at him, you don’t get tense. Before, he just was a very intense fellow. But you look at him, you feel like you can go talk to him. He’s going to come over and joke with you.

“Before, we just didn’t have that rapport. As the years have gone by, the better the rapport has gotten. Guys enjoy playing for him. I can’t always say that, but now guys enjoy playing for him.”

My editorial comment on this is simple- (a) a necessary part of winning in the NFL is to have a coach that is going to get his players to play for him. (b) I have heard this olive branch/spin from the players before, and I am not sold on it. I think Coughlin is still a jerk, he needs to treat different players differently, and we are in another year of purgatory with him.

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