Cowher has apparently been waiting for Blue longer than you think


1) Last week Jerome Bettis was interviewed on Sirius radio   

and said that Cowher is only eyeing the Giants job.  What is interesting to note is that this story is not “new.”  Bettis speculated before the 2007 season began that Cowher was waiting on the sidelines for the Giants job back then also.  This actually gives the story MORE CREDIBILITY.  Why?  Because Bill Cowher knows that the only organization he wants to work for at this stage of his career is one who will not pull the cord if he has a bad season or two.  This is the double-edged sword of realities being a NY Giants fan.  We have noted on numerous occasions here at this NY Giants football blog that ownership/management is extremely deliberate in all personnel matters.  It is patient and methodical, almost to a fault.  That is where the sword cuts both ways.  It is the sword that takes too long to cut Fassel.  It is the sword that should, in our opinion, cut ties with Coughlin now.  But this patience does have its virtues.  Mara gave Coughlin a chance to change, and the Giants were rewarded with a championship.  The Giants, in short, give their employees the benefit of the doubt.  It makes a whole lot of sense that Bill Cowher would not re-enter the coaching rat-race unless he knew that the management of the team hiring him was going to be 100% behind himthrough thick and thin.  The Giants team that gives the benefit of the doubt to Fassel and Coughlin is the same one that presumably would also give the benefit of the doubt to Cowher as well. 

2) Cold Hard Football Facts website (see permanent link on left side) argues at the top of their lungs that Yards per (passing) Attempt is what matters.  But Brian Burke argues that once the postseason arrives, it is running the ball that matters. 

3) Speaking of CHFF, they have an article on Rex Ryan written January 5th.  That is before the Cincinnati road playoff win.  That is before the San Diego road playoff win.  Not bad.  For all of you Giants fans who do not like Gilbride, there is even a link for you in there.    

4) Steve Smith for Top Value Performer? Vote here.  If they had a ballot for Top Value Wasted, that one would be a landslide runaway for Kevin Boss.

5) The Jets are “only” 7.5 point dogs vs. the Colts.  Is someone finally figuring out that the Jets defense keeps them within breathing distance of their opposition?!  Mind you, 7.5 points is not exactly a small line either.  When you are over a TD your moneyline is hefty.  I cannot help but think that the parallels to the Giants’ miracle run are really sticking out.  The Giants were +3 or 4 pt dogs in the Wild Card game, +7.5 vs the Cowboys in the Divisional Round and +7.5 vs the Packers in the Conference Championship.  The Jets were ~ +3 pt dogs in the Wild Card game, +7.5 vs the Chargers in the Divisional Round and are +7.5 vs the Colts in the Conference Championship.  AND this piece where an Indy blog has discounted the Jets (declaring victory on Monday!) reminded me of how every opponent that faced us in the playoffs was celebrating how fortunate they were to get to play the Giants.. until the game was over and they had lost.

6) I think I just found the second prettiest Giants fan ever

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