NYG: Trouble In River City

Oh boy,

It turns out that Tom Coughlin brought in 14 free agents for a workout yesterday. Remember Patrick Ramsey? He was there. Why was he there? He can’t help the team. The rest were people I have never heard of.

I don’t believe this is the way to motivate a team and I can’t imagine that this was anything but a sophomoric ploy to do that. It would be one thing to bring in some real talent (if there is any out there) to fill the glaring needs we have. That is NOT the case!! These are ‘has beens’ or ‘never had been.’ Coughlin considers himself a master of Psychology. He is not! Grown men don’t respond to this type of manipulation and it deflates a team. It’s a vote of NO Confidence and yes, it may be panic.

No matter how you look at this it ain’t good. I am going to write a piece on some of the head coaches who came back only to fail the second time around. Bud Grant,Joe Gibbs et al. Running backs are usually done at around 30. These are the good to great ones who escape career ending injuries. The work of a head coach is very tough. It’s 24/7 pretty much 12 months a year. It takes a toll on the very best of them. Coughlin has been around a long time. One must give him credit for his change of character to adjust to the men who play today’s game. Many cannot or will not do that. Coughlin did get us a ring, but his choices for staff are alarming. His game plans are alarming. He has NOT made the changes necessary on either side of the ball. The younger, more innovative, more in touch guys are eating our lunch. I still think the G-Men should have done more to keep Spags. He proved himself in two seasons and he WILL turn the Rams around. We had him. We should have made the move. Guys like that don’t come around that often. This is where great franchises stand out.

I am afraid this obvious panic could accelerate the problem. I hope I am wrong!

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