Pete’s Top 100 Draft Board

Here is the Top 100 prospects for the NFL 2010 Draft.  This is a thin draft.  The talent started dropping off by the time we were in the 80’s or 90s of the rankings.

The link to the 2010 NFL Draft Board is here and also on the right side of the blog.  

Here are some themes in terms of drafting:

1)  Never draft to change a player’s position when you are picking him in Round 1-2.  As soon as you see a high pick like Kiwanuka being moved around from DE to LB, it is a sign.  So if you are trying to move a highly rated player NOW, before he’s even in the NFL, you should not be picking him that high.

2)  You have to consider injury in today’s NFL, something the 32 teams collectively do not do enough of. 

3)  Pay attention to the program the player came from and who coached him.

4)  You have to draft to your scheme.  Some of these guys are rated higher for certain teams and are a reach for others.  Scheme matters to the success or failure of a lot of these guys.

5)  Desire and attitude are just as important as talent. 

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