Phil Simms for the Bye Week 7 of the 2011 Season

Phil Simms joined Mike Francesa on WFAN for Week 7.  Here are Simms’ comments on the following NFL topics..

1. Carson Palmer– “He can be a great addition. Take a chance for greatness.  I like the move.”

2. Tim Tebow. “His chances for success are pretty good.  Tebow fits that offense better than Orton did.” Over time, they all change.  Tebow can change.  Aaron Rodgers is not the same QB he was in college.  Peyton Manning changed his mechanics completely from Year 1 to Year 2.  So it is not true that Tebow can change.

3. John Beck.  Not convinced he will be the answer in Washington.  Not a great OL.  WR corps is average.

4. Christian Ponder.  Surprised at the job he did last Sunday night.  He moved more in his first week on the field in the NFL than he ever did in college.

5. The Colts and Andrew Luck.  He is very strong as a running QB, not Tebow-like.  Not a great thrower of the ball yet. The Colts will not have Luck and Peyton Manning on the same team.  (IF the Colts get the #1 and IF they want Luck, they will be trading Manning.)

6. SD-NYJ.  The Jets win over MIA was tainted by just how bad Miami is.  Miami is 0-5 for a reason, bad decisions, very deserving of that W-L record etc.. Sanchez has not taken a step back.  Sanchez is not perfect or great, but he has not regressed.  Rivers has not been super crisp thus far this year.  People are playing the Chargers differently this year, trying to stop the longer passing plays.  If Rivers gets protection this afternoon, it will be a rough day for the Jets.  Chargers are healthier, more speed on defense.  A lot of components are there for the Chargers to be the team that we thought they’d be 2 seasons ago.

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