Raiders get raided?

On Tuesday, the Raiders pulled the trigger on a trade that made many people scratching their heads.

On the one side, you have to admire the gumption of chips all in to win the division with a quarterback who was not long ago considered one of the elite talents.  But does the risk reward ratio rationale make sense for a guy with 3.5 years left on a cap heavy contract and noticeably struggled the last 2 seasons?

Here are some comments from the staff at UltimateNYG:

Wonder was asked about the lunacy of 2 number 1 picks for Palmer and is response was:
“yup…but ’13 is a #2 if Raiders don’t win a playoff game…still steep for guy with a bad wing”

Pete’s response was “they are paying way too much.  The team was doing a beautiful job of rebuilding the franchise and now they have run out of patience.  They do need a QB, but it is a trade for now, and the team is not ready.”

Glenn gave his take on how the trade might have developed and the rationale behind the Raiders:

When Palmer pseudo-retired, Al may have contacted Mike Brown.  Remember, Al and the Brown family go way back to the AFL days. I am sure they had a good relationship.  Al may have offered a number one pick for Palmer. And Brown said no. Now with Al’s passing and Raiders desperate for a qb, they over payed.  My hunch is Al wanted Palmer. But at the time, he did not want to give up two number picks.  

Cutler went from Denver to Chicago. Denver received Orton, 2009 and 2010 number ones and a third rounder.  

Bills traded for Rob Johnson.  Jax received a first and fourth rounder.  This was 1998. 

Jeff George traded to Atlanta. Indy got a first and third. And following year a number one. 

A regular visitor to UltimateNYG, Merrick, had his comments on the Raiders rationale:

Campbell is a free agent after this year, so no overlap issue there.  And Campbell was not “fine” in my opinion, nor in management’s apparently. They badly needed to put a QB under center that defenses had to respect with a talent like Run DMC (McFadden) back there (see Vikings).  It remains to be seen if Palmer is still that guy, but they must know something we don’t.  With DHB (D Heyward-Bey), Moore and Ford coupled with Boss and DMC, they have ability to score materially more points now than they did before.  I am not saying I would like that deal if I was a Raiders fan, but I see the logic in there.  Time will tell.

Motown Blue response:

Just wondering if the NFL should reject the trade on the grounds of lunacy and request a thorough investigation on the stability of the Raider organization?

Please feel free to jump into the fray with your comments on this matter. 


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