Red, Green, whatever

1) Yesterday’s email brought a solicitation from the “NFL Red Zone” to try a free preview of the new pay TV service, which covers all of the live play inside the 20 yard line.  I guess the NFL marketing department didn’t consult Coughlin when they went out and named the new football channel.. let’s make a deal, Tom.. you keep calling it any color zone you want, as long as you get rid of Gilbride.

2) This is a site that stresses learning. This piece is a very good read because you go inside the head of a cornerback.  We said before the season began that Terrell Thomas was deserving of the opportunity to start ahead of Ross.  We also said that Thomas was clearly going to make mistakes, but that it would be a good thing as he grew into the role.  Well, Thomas is playing and learning on the job.  Being able to get glimpses inside the game like the one provided here by Vrentas of the Star Ledger gives us good understanding of how football really works.

3) Glenn Warciski discussed the troubles that the Giants running game faced when met with that immovable object, the Nose Tackle.  Yesterday, Elliot F. similarly  commented here about those same problems.  It does not take a lot to connect the dots to 2009: the troubles the Giants had when running the ball against Pro Bowlers Haynesworth (DL) and Ratliff (NT) were plain as day.

4) Showtime Phil Simms picks the Giants over the Chiefs.  The Gmen are -9 over the Chiefs.  Trap game?  While this game, unlike the prev game, does technically fall under the definition (because it DOES follow a strong win), we are not too concerned. Uh-oh, that is the warning for a trap game, when no one mentions it! But we just mentioned it, so..

5) Phillips had microfracture surgery on Wednesday. From his blog.. 

6) Raise your hand if you’ll be watching the Saints (#1 offense) vs the Jets (#3 defense).  What they do not tell you about the Jets defense is that they have faced the Texans(#15), Patriots(#5) and Titans(#11).  Yes, the Titans had success vs the Jets.  The Saints are -7.  That is a lot of respect for the Saints. Let’s see what Ryan has up his sleeve.

7) Raise your hand if you’ll be watching Favre and the 3-0 Vikes play at the 2-1 Pack. We are all tired of Favre until the drama comes back. Great theatre.

8) With the exception of Ross (and the invisible Canty, who is not even MENTIONED!), a lot of players with injuries are making it back on the field. 

9) A note on the banner- Strahan was the heart and soul of that team. He missed camp and was still voted team captain. He was the alpha who was busy stomping them out before the game. He was the one telling the OL the final score would be 17-14.  And he’s the one going in a limousine to Canton on the first ballot. When Manning leads the gmen again, it will be only fitting for him to be up there. Now let’s see him make it happen! 

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