The first day of camp.

The first day of camp.
Kenny Phillips off to a good start
Saed Hindash/Star Ledger

1) Note that we have provided a quicklink to NY Giants camp updates in the upper right hand corner of the blog. As always, we’ll try to cut through the fluff and post the salient comments and developments.

2) In yesterday’s lunchtime update, we noted that Stewart Bradley, the stud LBer with 150 tackles last season, is likely gone for the season with a torn ACL. Hey, the Eagles were not holding a benefit for us when Osi went down last year, so pardon us while we do not shed any tears for them or any of the other 31 teams in the league. Every team deals with these ugly injuries, so why can’t it be some other team for a change?! Let’s remember that starting S Terry Kinard went out during our ’86 run. That Simms went out in the ’90 run. That Kiwanuka (and Ward, altho that brought in #44) went out in the ’07 run. So injuries are a part of the game. Deal with it, Eagles fans. “It’s a major loss,” said Donovan McNabb. Yep.

3) Coughlin: “Sinorce ( Moss) had a nice spring. Steve Smith knows exactly what he is being asked to do at this point in time. Mario Manningham had a nice off-season.”

4) Kenny Phillips had two picks. Coughlin: “Yeah, I was (impressed). Those were two outstanding plays, too. I was back here cheering.” Good color at the end of the video link on his strong progress. If this guy steps up big he is going to make this defense hum.

5) Q&A with Osi Umenyiora:
Q. Does this team have the right pieces for success?
A. Let me tell you…I haven’t seen a team like this, as far as depth-wise since I’ve been here, we’re solid at every position, I mean every position. I mean we look real good on paper right now, but as soon as we get on the field we’ll see what we really have.

Q. Are you referring to just the defense?
A. Defense, offense…we’re solid at every position on the field.

Q. Is this deeper than the team that won it all a few years ago?
A. Deeper? I would say so. I mean from a straight depth standpoint I think we’re definitely better. But I mean are we going to be as good? That remains to be seen.

Q. When you went into camp last year, did you feel the same way?
A. I felt good about last year too. Maybe not quite as strong as every position like we have now, but I did feel good about last year too.

6) We’ve been arguing here on the blog that WR is not the issue for the Giants. Pat Kirwin agrees.

7) I sent an email to a few people yesterday before camp in response to someone asking aloud about who would win the battle between Bomar and Woodson for the 3rd QB spot. Those of you following this blog know what the answer is, given how Wonder was crazy for this kid Bomar two weeks before the draft. If Woodson beats out Bomar for a roster spot (barring injury related reason) I will sing “Hail to the Redskins” to my wife’s Uncle Roger down in Maryland, I will sing “Fly Eagle Fly” to my wife’s stepfather down in Philly, and I will tell Eddie H that the Cowboys are God’s gift to the NFL. But that is Not Happening, folks. From Ralph V today: “Speaking of Bomar … Advantage: him, in the battle for the third-quarterback job. On an off morning for the quarterbacks, he seemed to have mostly crisp, straight, spiral throws.”

8) I have a day job down here in NJ. But Ed Valentine at Big Blue View is there in person at practices in Albany. He is giving very good color. He offered the same strong sentiments about Bomar that Vacchiano gave.

9) Burress shoots the Giants in 2008… Pierce lifts the Giants in 2009. Is #58’s exoneration going to be a metaphor for this season?

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