The Greatest NFL Player of All Time

I have watched more film of Jim Brown than any other player in any sport, for the time preceding 1969 when I began watching professional sports.  Together with accounts from people and former players, it is really quite easy for me to say that he was the greatest football player to suit up.

Brown spoke out about all things football the other day with Rhoden of the NY Times.  Brown never was a man to mince words.  Always outspoken for black rights and player rights, he still nonetheless had some interesting perspective on the current labor negotiations.

Jim Brown’s Priorities (not in order):
1) Union working for the players, not the Union
2) Union working for ALL of the players, not the top 3 or 4 “quarterbacks”
3) Healthcare for players with < 5 years playing time
4) Rookie salary cap
5) Pension Plan
6) “Forget 18 games (in a season).  It’s too dangerous, it’s too much, the players don’t want it.”


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