The New UltimateNYG Banner


Days like today do not happen very often.  The NY Giants are Super Bowl Champions!  Today, we raise a new banner for the blog. 

We keep score with titles.  This is the 4th Super Bowl championship for this franchise.  That is pretty rare air.  We specifically designed the logo to be part of planned obsolescence.  It was part of the plan to make us “work” at another banner.  Go ahead, give us some trouble, make us take this one down too.  And quick!

31 teams lose.  Only one team wins.  These are the memories that we will have for a lifetime.  XLVI gave us some moments that will be savored. Who can forget the drive to beat the Patriots in Week 9?! JPP blocking the FG to beat the Boys?!!  Victor Cruz in Week 16 vs the Jets?!!!  Hakeem Nicks running away from 38 defenders vs the Pack?!!!!  Mario Manningham getting a perfect pass from Eli Manning to midfield in the Super Bowl?!!!!! We’ll remember them all.

Eli Manning had an incredible year.  Could the Giants have gotten to the playoffs, let alone won a title without him?  Impossible.  A year like that gets you on the banner forever. 


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