The Walking Wounded – Day 58

1) Earlier in the week we found out that:
McKenzie was not seriously hurt
Seubert’s shoulder was popped back into place
Blackburn (who had come back out to play in Q2) was fine
Coughlin also started putting pressure on Ross and Dockery to get back on the field 

Now we have:
The Coughlin denial of denial on something wrong with Brandon Jacobs
Bradshaw is wearing a boot, but he will be able to play this weekend
And we still have ZERO on Canty seeing the light of day, nonetheless a football field
Not to mention Sintim, Nicks, Ware

Is Coughlin running a football team or a hospital?

When you are 3-0, these injuries do not matter. You’re Superman and the bullets bounce right off. That changes the moment the Giants lose. Then out of nowhere ‘the injuries are hurting the team.’ Obviously it is neither- it is a little bit of both and it hurts the Giants RIGHT NOW.

Case in point: Fred Robbins. Ideally you want to keep his snaps down so that he is not getting too much wear and tear. Without Canty, Robbins is getting more snaps than the gmen want. But this is where the easy part of the schedule helps> against TB last weekend, the defense only took 36 snaps, so that goes a long way to curing what ails. Now the Giants just need a cure for the rash of injuries.

2) We asked one of our KC diehards to help us scout the Chiefs for Sunday’s game, but there was not enough of a team for Nate to scout: I wish there were some hidden strengths there; the local paper has been ripping the new Pioli/Haley team much more than you’d expect – not much of a honeymoon period.  There was special vitriol for this weekend’s 2d half game plan, down 24-7, of running the ball almost 2/3 of the time.  Dwayne Bowe wasn’t playing; he’s the best receiver we have, but I don’t know if he’ll be back by Sunday.  Unfortunately, I think the Chiefs’ best bet is if the Giants fill up on BBQ and that slows them down to high school (not even college) speed.” 

3) Yes, this is the first post ushered in on the new bloguin platform.  For those of you new to the site, welcome. The tour is quick and easy.  You see those three footballs in the logo? They represent the three Super Bowl Championship titles.  Let’s get a 4th football up there.  Tour’s over, Go Giants.   

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