Tuck and Wilkinson talk with the media

Some sound bites from Tuck and Wilkinson.

Arnie V’s sage wisdom shines through again.  A few weeks ago we opined that one of our charter members, Arnie V., was worth respecting for his general attitude that the Giants rate to bounce back after a bad season.

The words of Justin Tuck echo that sentiment and articulate the understanding that nothing gets a player’s focus like a season of underachievement:

“I think we got spoiled.  We started 5-0 and we kind of looked at ourselves like, ‘Here we go again. We’re going to make the playoffs and blah, blah, blah.’ And then we got hit in our face and we couldn’t respond. So it’s a good thing. I’m actually happy all of that happened last year because now we have to start from square one.”

Square one.  Kind of like that cycle that UltimateNYG talked about.

Separately, Gerris Wilkinson spoke with the media about grabbing the MLBer spot for the Giants.  According to Wilkinson, he plans on surprising a lot of people this year.  After recognizing his skills in previous seasons but always being underwhelmed by this player’s ability to stay on the field, we admit we will be one of those who is surprised if he can stay healthy and contribute meaningfully.  It will be great if he can do it.  We wish him luck.  But we are not optimistic about a player who has managed 7 starts in 4 seasons all of a sudden going to the Mike and staying healthy at one of the most physical positions on the field. 

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