UFA list + Da’Rel Scott Clarification

First order of business.  We made a mistake- Wonder always had RB Da’Rel Scott on his board (at 104, as a 5 backup) but confused him with someone else when I asked about him.  In working on the UFA list, I uncovered the mistake and need to clarify that the Giants GOT GOOD VALUE IN R7 on this player!  Great news.  I have amended the prev posts to show the edit.  Read More to see Wonder’s UFA list.  11 players you’ll want to know the names of that the NFL GMs will be fighting over to get in to have a free option.

Unrestricted Free Agent List:
Rank  Player           Rating  Position
114  Bartholomew, R   4   C
162  Brinkley, Niles    5   CB
163  Chinasa, Ugo       5   DE
96    Williams, Ian       4   DT
127  Bair, Brandon    4   DT
137  Graves, John       4   DT
165  Johnson, Carl       5  G
109  Bellore, Nick       4   LB
83    Lefeged, Joseph  4   S
138  Johnson, Jeron    5   S
151  Sims, David         5   S
87    Fannin, Mario    4  RB
107  Seine, Brandon  4   RB
122  Devine, Noel      4   RB
157  Grigsby,Nicholas  5   RB
158  Evans, Darren      5  RB
145  King, Jarriel       5  T
155  Smith, Willie        5  T
94    Lockette,Ricardo 4  WR  ****
121  Morgan, Joe        4 WR
126  Gurley, Tori       4 WR
148  Binns, Armon      5 WR
174  Brown, DeAndre  5 WR
160  Oordt, Schuyler   5 TE
181  Gantt, Charlie      5 TE 

At the top of Wonder’s list to get in to camp is Ricardo Lockette.  Now obviously some of these guys fell because of either a medical concern that was not disclosed or more likely that there was some baggage (drugs/disciplinary).  But it costs NOTHING to bring them in, so get them in.  Once the draft was over, you could not talk to them, so it was important to reach out to them this past weekend.  Until the labor action is settled, these guys will have to wait.  But there are 11 guys here in bold that are must looks.  LOOK AT NICK BELLORE, LBer.  Get him in.  For depth, because the Giants are on the prowl for another C, look at Bartholomew.  Wonder was not as excited about him, but for need, why not have a look?!  Mario Fannin at RB?  Absolutely.  Joseph Lefeged?  Of course. 

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