Ultimatenyg- first blog post November 30, 2006

Did you notice that when Eli Manning was scrambling on that last INT, he had poor mechanics? ..that he did not stop and plant his feet for a throw that would have likely had much more zip and not been underthrown? The person who noticed this said that he believes that the reason for this is that Manning does not want to get popped, so he throws on the run instead of setting his feet so that he can avoid taking the hit. This is a big no-no.

Taking another page out of his (Sunday Morning) QB book, Simms says that QBs get hit and it is part of the job. They are used to it. It looks bad when you watch, and he admits that it is not fun to watch his son Chris get hit (and that goes double for his wife), but getting hit is not a big deal. QBs have been getting hit all their lives and they are used to it. (Simms muscled up to take the NFL pounding too.)

Getting off the Eli Manning bullseye target practice, I agree that you get rid of Coughlin WAY BEFORE you get rid of Eli. Eli will certainly go through two head coaches with the Giants before he is let loose. It is up to the new coach to straighten him out and work to make it better…..

Who here thinks Coughlin is gone? I DO NOT. The Giants move their franchise in baby steps. They change course like an oceanliner, not like a James Bond speedboat. They are going to say… hey, he took a 4-12 team, a rookie QB, went 6-10, then won the division at 11-5 and got us to the playoffs and is 6-5. Why should we get rid of that? The only way they cut Coughlin loose is if we lose 4 or 5 of the last 5 games. That may yet happen. But we will likely get middled…we will win 2, lose 3, Coughlin stays, we s**k, we get an average draft spot, and nothing even close to Super championship thinking.

We here know and understand that that kind of (oceanliner) thinking was exactly why the Giants stuck with that 2002 loser another year and wasted another season. The best line of the day? From Marvelous: “Coughlin looks seriously ill on the sidelines !! For his own sake he should retire !!!”

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