Week 15 Comments

First, let me take a different approach then most of you. I applaud J.REESE for signing Webster, but until I learn the REAL details of the deal, I am NOT happy… $43M for 5 years ? Are you KIDDING me ? Granted, Webster is very good, but he’s NOT UNBELIEVABLE…which is what you should get for that $$$…On the other hand, the possibility of an “uncapped” year may make this a very good signing, so I must give him a pass for the “extra” $$$..but if there is a cap, this is a desperate move..as for last night’s performance, or lack thereof, let me say that I fully expected the Jints to lose…but it was the WAY they lost that worries me..as I stated before, the Jints MUST re-establish their offensive identity..they failed in EVERY way possible..granted, Andy’s frustration with Gilbride is warranted, but it’s NOT ALL his fault..the TEAM seems to have, as other posters have said, “lost their mojo”..the only way to get it back is to do 2 simple things against the Panthers: 1. RUN WITH AUTHORITY…the O-Line MUST PLAY BETTER…they got all the credit while running wild..they must now take some of the blame..they are just NOT controllin the line of scrimmage the way they were..and I don’t want to hear about “8 in the box” b/c Plax isn’t there..baloney…if you watch the tape of the last 2 losses carefully, the opp. D didn’t “pack it in” and dare Eli to throw…they may have been a lit more aggressive, but that’s the nature of Phila. and Dall when they’re playing well… 2. Do as Andy suggested with a SENSE OF PURPOSE..that is, Gilbride MUST come up with game plans suited for our personnel..in this case, 3 and 5-step drops to quick slants or outs, or 6-7 yd passes to Boss underneath…also, I think we MUST start “flaring out” to our RB’s with a greater sense of urgency..to not take advantage of Bradshaw in the open field is a huge mistake..get him the rock out in the flat !!! I hope the last 2 weeks make TC wake up and demand that of Gilbride..that being said, I still believe the NYG will come out this week with a renewed sense of urgency…they must do a better job in the trenches offensively, and if they do, I think they will defeat the Panthers..after that, they should REST the banged-up players…they don’t need to be “on a roll” heading into the playoffs…

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