Wonder comments on Favre and a possible Jets landing

Late last week Wonder had the opportunity to discuss the possibility of the Jets going after Favre: “If they’re smart, they make a STRAIGHT UP TRADE FOR PENNINGTON…given GB’s lack of QB depth/exp., he would be perfect for Rodgers, etc…the Jets would prob have to throw in a mid-range draft pick..but would make a LOT of sense…Pennington should be mentor/backup at this point…Penn. would prob have to take a pay cut..but what are his alternatives ?? OR trade him to the BEST team for him- VIKINGS…no wind, great record in dome, great running game and DEF,…and if Jackson slips at all, they’ ve got CP to start…so give GB a 2nd or 3rd, and get a 4th or 5th for CP. Make Favre a TWO year deal/offer that’s incentive laden with a caveat that he MUST complete the second year ($$ penalties etc)”

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